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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing 2A, S, 2T and W

BATHWATERSbathwaters n. Plural of bathwater.
bath␣waters n. Plural of bath water.
BATHWATER n. the water in a bath.
FLATWATERSFLATWATER n. slowly moving water in a river, as opposed to rapids.
PANTYWAISTpantywaist adj. (Informal, especially of a male person) Weak, timid, effeminate, ineffectual.
pantywaist n. (Informal, dated) An undergarment composed, in part, of panties attached to a waistband.
pantywaist n. (Informal, derogatory) An ineffectual, weak, or timid person, especially a boy or young man; a sissy.
SALTWATERSsaltwaters n. Plural of saltwater.
salt␣waters n. Plural of salt water.
SALTWATER n. water that contains salt.
SMARTWATCHsmartwatch n. A wristwatch with electronic functionality beyond timekeeping. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
smartwatch n. A mobile device worn on the wrist with a touchscreen display.
SMARTWATCH n. an electronic wristwatch that is able to perform many of the functions of a smartphone or tablet computer.
STALWARTLYstalwartly adv. In a stalwart way.
STALWART adv. staunch, also STALWORTH.
SWEATPANTSsweatpants n. (US) Informal cotton trousers, with an elasticated or drawstring waist, used for exercise etc.
sweat␣pants n. Alternative spelling of sweatpants.
SWEATPANTS n. trousers of (usually thick) cotton material, with drawstring or elasticated waist and cuffs, as worn by athletes when warming up or after exercise.
TAILWATERStailwaters n. Plural of tailwater.
TAILWATER n. water below a dam or waterpower development.
THWARTWAYSTHWARTWAYS adv. crosswise; from side to side, also THWARTWISE.
TRANSITWAYtransitway n. A route designed for use by public transport, such as a busway or light rail.
WAISTCOATSwaistcoats n. Plural of waistcoat.
WAISTCOAT n. a garment, plain or ornamental, reaching to or below the waist and now sleeveless, worn by men at different periods under doublet, coat, jacket etc., also WESKIT.
WAITSTAFFSwaitstaffs n. Plural of waitstaff.
wait␣staffs n. Plural of wait staff.
WAITSTAFF n. waiters and waitresses collectively.
WASTEWATERwastewater n. Any water that has been used in some human domestic or industrial activity and, because of that, now…
waste␣water n. Alternative form of wastewater.
WASTEWATER n. waste water.
WATCHSTRAPwatchstrap n. A strap of leather, metal etc that holds a wristwatch in place; a watchband.
watch␣strap n. Alternative form of watchstrap.
WATCHSTRAP n. the strap of a watch.
WATERGATESwatergates n. Plural of watergate.
watergates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of watergate.
Watergates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of Watergate.
WHATABOUTSwhatabouts n. The things that a person is involved or occupied with.
WHATABOUTS n. things with which one is occupied.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 71 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 4 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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