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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing 2A, 2N, T and Y

ABUNDANTLYabundantly adv. In an abundant manner; in a sufficient degree; in large measure.
abundantly adv. Extremely.
ABUNDANT adv. in great quantity.
ANNULARITYannularity n. The property of being annular.
ANNULARITY n. the state of being ring-shaped.
ANTHOCYANSanthocyans n. Plural of anthocyan.
ANTHOCYAN n. a glucoside plant pigment, violet in neutral, red in acid, blue in alkaline cell-sap, also ANTHOCYANIN.
ANTIBARYONantibaryon n. (Physics) The antiparticle corresponding to a baryon.
ANTIBARYON n. an antiparticle to the baryon.
ATTENDANCYattendancy n. Obsolete form of attendance.
attendancy n. (Obsolete) A retinue.
attendancy n. (Obsolete) Relative position.
BETACYANINbetacyanin n. Any of the betalain pigments which appear reddish to violet, found in beets, chard, and Amaranthus tricolor.
BETACYANIN n. any one of a group of red nitrogenous pigments found in certain plants, such as beetroot.
FANTASYINGfantasying v. Present participle of fantasy.
FANTASY v. to imagine, also PHANTASY.
INSANITARYinsanitary adj. Of or pertaining to a lack of sanitation; unsanitary, dirty, unhealthy.
INSANITARY adj. not sanitary.
NATIONALLYnationally adv. In a way relating to the whole nation.
NATIONAL adv. belonging to a nation.
NEONATALLYneonatally adv. During the neonatal period.
NEONATAL adv. pertaining to a newborn child.
STAGNANTLYstagnantly adv. In a stagnant manner.
STAGNANT adv. like still and often foul water.
THYSANURANthysanuran n. Any of various insects, including the silverfish and firebrats, of the order Thysanura (now Zygentoma)…
THYSANURAN n. a member of the bristletails, an order of small wingless insects with abdominal appendages.
TYRANNICALtyrannical adj. (Not comparable) Of, or relating to tyranny or a tyrant.
tyrannical adj. (Comparable) Despotic, oppressive, or authoritarian.
TYRANNICAL adj. like a tyrant, also TYRANNIC.
UNANALYTICunanalytic adj. Not analytic.
UNANALYTIC adj. not analytic, also UNANALYTICAL.
UNSANITARYunsanitary adj. Not sanitary; unhealthy; dirty.
UNSANITARY adj. not sanitary.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 87 words
  • Scrabble in French: 26 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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