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There are 20 ten-letter words containing 2A, 2M, O and R

AEROGRAMMEaerogramme n. Alternative spelling of aerogram.
AEROGRAMME n. an airmail letter, also AEROGRAM.
AGROSTEMMAAgrostemma prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Caryophyllaceae – the corncockles, apparently originating with grain…
AGROSTEMMA n. a European caryophyllaceous plant, aka corncockle.
AMORALISMSamoralisms n. Plural of amoralism.
AMORALISM n. the refusal to recognize the validity of any system of morality.
ANEMOGRAMSanemograms n. Plural of anemogram.
ANEMOGRAM n. a record made by an anemograph, an instrument for measuring the pressure and velocity of wind.
COSMORAMAScosmoramas n. Plural of cosmorama.
COSMORAMA n. a view of different parts of the world.
DERMATOMALdermatomal adj. Relating to a dermatome; as…
DERMATOMAL adj. of or like a dermatome, the lateral wall of a somite from which the dermis produced.
MACROZAMIAMacrozamia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Zamiaceae – zamia palm, zamia fern; around forty species of cycads…
MACROZAMIA n. a plant of genus Macrozamia, Australian cycads.
MAMMOGRAMSmammograms n. Plural of mammogram.
MAMMOGRAM n. an X-ray of the breast.
MAMMOGRAPHmammograph n. A machine for taking X-ray pictures of the breasts (mammaries).
mammograph n. A mammogram; a picture taken with such a device.
MAMMOGRAPH n. an X-ray of the breast.
MARKSWOMANmarkswoman n. A woman skilled at hitting targets, as with a firearm, bow, or thrown object.
MARKSWOMAN n. a woman skilled in shooting at a mark or target.
MARMAROSESMARMAROSIS n. the conversion of limestone into marble.
MARMAROSISmarmarosis n. (Geology) The metamorphosis of limestone into marble.
MARMAROSIS n. the conversion of limestone into marble.
MATTAMORESmattamores n. Plural of mattamore.
MATTAMORE n. a subterranean chamber, also MASSYMORE.
MELODRAMASmelodramas n. Plural of melodrama.
MELODRAMA n. a kind of romantic and sensational drama, also MELODRAME.
METROMANIAmetromania n. A mania for writing poetry, especially doggerel.
metromania n. A mania for measurements or statistics.
METROMANIA n. an insatiable desire for writing verse.
MONODRAMASmonodramas n. Plural of monodrama.
MONODRAMA n. a one-man show; a play having only one actor.
MYRIORAMASmyrioramas n. Plural of myriorama.
MYRIORAMA n. a picture consisting of many interchangeable parts.
NANOGRAMMEnanogramme n. (British spelling) Rare spelling of nanogram.
NANOGRAMME n. a billionth of a gramme, also NANOGRAM.
SAMARIFORMsamariform adj. (Botany) Resembling a samara, or winged seed vessel.
SAMARIFORM adj. like a samara in shape.
SARCOLEMMAsarcolemma n. (Anatomy) A thin cell membrane that surrounds a striated muscle fibre.
SARCOLEMMA n. the cell membrane enclosing a muscle fibre.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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