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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing 2A, 2L, R and V

ALLEVIATORalleviator n. That who or which alleviates.
ALLEVIATOR n. one who, or that which, alleviates.
ALVEOLARLYalveolarly adv. In an alveolar manner.
ALVEOLAR adv. pertaining to an alveolus; pronounced with tongue and alveolus.
ARCHIVALLYarchivally adv. By archival means.
archivally adv. In archival terms.
BIVALVULARbivalvular adj. Having two valves.
BIVALVULAR adj. having two valves.
CARAVELLEScaravelles n. Plural of caravelle.
Caravelles n. Plural of Caravelle.
CARAVELLE n. a small light fast ship, chiefly Spanish or Portuguese, of the 15th to the 17th cents, also CARAVEL, CARVEL.
CAVALIERLYcavalierly adv. In a cavalier manner.
CAVALIER adv. careless.
CLAVICULARclavicular adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to the clavicle.
CLAVICULAR adj. of or pertaining to the clavicle.
LABIOVELARlabiovelar adj. (Phonetics) co-articulated at the velum and the lips.
labiovelar n. (Phonetics) A labiovelar sound.
labio-velar n. Alternative spelling of labiovelar.
LARVICIDALlarvicidal adj. Killing larvae.
LARVICIDAL adj. killing larvae.
LAVALIERESlavalieres n. Plural of lavaliere.
LAVALIERE n. (French) a loosely-tied bow; a jewelled pendant, also LAVALIER, LAVALLIERE.
LAVALLIERElavalliere n. Alternative form of lavaliere.
LAVALLIERE n. (French) a loosely-tied bow; a jewelled pendant, also LAVALIER, LAVALIERE.
LAVATORIALlavatorial adj. Of or pertaining to a lavatory.
lavatorial adj. Scatological.
LAVATORIAL adj. relating to a lavatory.
REVEALABLErevealable adj. Able to be revealed; capable of revealing.
REVEALABLE adj. capable of being revealed.
VACILLATORvacillator n. One who vacillates.
VACILLATOR n. one who vacillates.
VALLECULARvallecular adj. (Medicine) grooved; pertaining to a vallecula.
vallecular adj. (Botany) A channel between the nodes of the stem of some species of Equisetum.
VALLECULAR adj. pertaining to or like a vallecula, a groove.
VARICELLARvaricellar adj. Relating to varicella, or chickenpox.
VARICELLAR adj. of or like varicella, chickenpox.
VARICELLASvaricellas n. Plural of varicella.
VARICELLA n. (Latin) chickenpox.
VARIETALLYvarietally adv. With regard to variety.
VARIETAL adv. of or having the character of a variety.
VASCULARLYvascularly adv. Via the blood vessels.
VASCULAR adv. pertaining to ducts that convey body fluids.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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