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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing 2A, K, P, R and T

AFTERPEAKSafterpeaks n. Plural of afterpeak.
AFTERPEAK n. space behind the aftermost bulkhead, often used for storage.
BACKSTRAPSbackstraps n. Plural of backstrap.
BACKSTRAP n. (Canadian) any of various cuts of meat from the back of an animal, especially a tenderloin.
BLACKSTRAPblackstrap n. The dark, viscous molasses remaining after maximum extraction of sugar from raw sugar cane, used in…
blackstrap n. (Obsolete) A mixture of spirituous liquor (usually rum) and molasses.
blackstrap n. (Obsolete, nautical, slang) Bad port wine; any common wine of the Mediterranean.
BRATPACKERBRATPACKER n. a member of a bratpack.
FLAPTRACKSflaptracks n. Plural of flaptrack.
FLAPTRACK n. a racetrack for flapping i.e. unregistered horse-racing.
LAPSTRAKESlapstrakes n. Plural of lapstrake.
LAPSTRAKE n. a clinker-built boat, also LAPSTREAK.
LAPSTREAKSlapstreaks n. Plural of lapstreak.
LAPSTREAK n. a clinker-built boat, also LAPSTRAKE.
MEATPACKERmeatpacker n. A person involved in the meatpacking industry, including slaughtering and meat processing.
MEATPACKER n. (US) a person or company involved in the wholesale meat trade.
PACKTHREADpackthread n. (Archaic) A strong thread or twine used in tying up parcels.
PACKTHREAD n. a strong two- or three ply thread.
PAINSTAKERpainstaker n. One who takes pains; a careful worker.
PAINSTAKER n. one who takes pains.
PARAKITINGparakiting n. Parasailing.
PARAKITING n. the sport of soaring suspended from a parachute which is being towed.
PARRAKEETSparrakeets n. Plural of parrakeet.
PARTAKINGSpartakings n. Plural of partaking.
PARTAKING n. the act of partaking.
PENTAQUARKpentaquark n. (Physics) Any of a class of subatomic particles (previously hypothetical, since detected, subject to…
PENTAQUARK n. a hypothetical subatomic particle consisting of a group of five quarks (as compared to the usual three quarks).
PLATEMAKERplatemaker n. One who produces plates (printing surfaces).
PLATEMAKER n. one who makes plates.
PLATEMARKSplatemarks n. Plural of platemark.
plate␣marks n. Plural of plate mark.
PLATEMARK n. a hallmark on a plate.
PORTAPACKSportapacks n. Plural of portapack.
PORTAPACK n. a small portable combined videotape and camera, also PORTAPAK.
SKATEPARKSskateparks n. Plural of skatepark.
skate␣parks n. Plural of skate park.
SKATEPARK n. an area set aside for skateboarding.
TRIPITAKASTripitakas n. Plural of Tripitaka.
TRIPITAKA n. (Pali) the whole body of the northern Buddhist canonical writings.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 97 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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