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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing 2A, H, L, T and U

ALTAZIMUTHaltazimuth n. A telescope or surveying instrument that has a mount permitting both horizontal and vertical rotation.
alt-azimuth n. Alternative form of altazimuth.
ALTAZIMUTH n. an instrument for measuring the altitude and azimuth of heavenly bodies.
ANACOLUTHAanacolutha n. Plural of anacoluthon.
anacolutha n. Alternative spelling of anacoloutha.
ANACOLUTHON n. a sentence or construction lacking grammatical sequence.
ASPHALTUMSasphaltums n. Plural of asphaltum.
ASPHALTUM n. (Greek) a mixture of bituminous pitch with sand etc. used for surfacing paths, roads, etc., also ASPHALT.
BEQUEATHALbequeathal n. The act of bequeathing; bequeathment; bequest.
BEQUEATHAL n. the act of bequeathing.
CHARTULARYchartulary n. Alternative form of cartulary.
CHARTULARY n. a collection of deeds and titles to estate or monastery.
GAULTHERIAgaultheria n. (Botany) Any plant of the genus Gaultheria of evergreen ericaceous shrubs.
Gaultheria prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Ericaceae – wintergreen and similar plants.
GAULTHERIA n. a genus of ericaceous shrubs with evergreen foliage, and, often, edible berries.
HABITUALLYhabitually adv. By habit; in a habitual manner.
habitually adv. Occurring regularly or usually.
HABITUAL adv. according to habit.
HAUSTORIALhaustorial adj. Relating to a haustorium.
HAUSTORIAL adj. having a haustorium, a sucker-like rootlet.
LANTHANUMSlanthanums n. Plural of lanthanum.
LANTHANUM n. a rare element of the group of the earth metals, allied to aluminium.
SPATHULATEspathulate adj. Alternative spelling of spatulate.
SPATHULATE adj. spoon-shaped.
SULPHATASEsulphatase n. (Biochemistry) Alternative spelling of sulfatase.
SULPHATASE n. any of various esterases that accelerate the hydrolysis of sulfuric esters, also SULFATASE.
ULTRACHEAPultracheap adj. Extremely cheap.
ULTRAHEATSultraheats v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ultraheat.
ULTRAHEAT v. to heat to very high temperatures, as used for sterilisation.
ULTRAHEAVYultraheavy adj. (Physics, chemistry) Describing any atom that has a very large atomic weight; especially those that…
ultraheavy adj. Extremely or exceedingly heavy; of utmost heaviness.
ULTRAHEAVY adj. very very heavy.
ULTRAHUMANultrahuman adj. Having powers much greater than those of a normal human; superhuman.
ULTRAHUMAN adj. beyond human.
ULTRASHARPultrasharp adj. Extremely or excessively sharp; rapier.
ULTRASHARP adj. very very sharp.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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