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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing 2A, H, 2L and P

ALLOGRAPHSallographs n. Plural of allograph.
ALLOGRAPH n. a writing, esp. a signature, for another, as opposed to an autograph.
ALLOPATHICallopathic adj. Of or pertaining to allopathy.
ALLOPATHIC adj. of or pertaining to allopathy.
ALLOPHANESallophanes n. Plural of allophane.
ALLOPHANE n. a translucent, coloured aluminum silicate.
CATAPHYLLScataphylls n. Plural of cataphyll.
CATAPHYLL n. a rudimentary or simplified leaf.
CHAPFALLENchapfallen adj. Crestfallen, dejected.
CHAPFALLEN adj. dejected, dispirited, also CHOPFALLEN.
FLASHLAMPSflashlamps n. Plural of flashlamp.
FLASHLAMP n. an electric torch.
HYALOPLASMhyaloplasm n. (Microbiology) A structureless fluid in cells; cytosol.
HYALOPLASM n. the clear fluid part of protoplasm.
HYPALLAGEShypallages n. Plural of hypallage.
HYPALLAGE n. a rhetorical figure in which relations between words are changed.
MELPHALANSMELPHALAN n. an antineoplastic drug.
PALAEOLITHpalaeolith n. Alternative form of paleolith.
PALAEOLITH n. a Stone Age artefact, also PALEOLITH.
PHALANGEALphalangeal adj. Relating to a phalanx.
phalangeal adj. (Anatomy) Relating to a phalange.
phalangeal n. (Anatomy) A phalange (bone of a finger or toe).
PHALLOCRATphallocrat n. One who advocates or imposes phallocracy.
PHALLOCRAT n. one who assumes the naturalness of male dominance.
PHATICALLYphatically adv. In a phatic manner.
PHATIC adv. relating to a communication meant to generate an atmosphere of social relationship rather than to convey some information.
PROTHALLIAprothallia n. Plural of prothallium.
PROTHALLIUM n. the free-living gametophyte of a fern or other vascular cryptogam, also PROTHALLUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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