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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing 2A, G, H, P and Y

AEROGRAPHYaerography n. The production of weather charts.
aerography n. A branch of surrealist art in which a three-dimensional object is used as a stencil.
AEROGRAPHY n. a description of the air or atmosphere; aerology.
ANAGLYPHICanaglyphic adj. Relating to anaglyphs.
anaglyphic n. Work with chased or embossed relief.
ANAGLYPHIC adj. of or like an anaglyph, an ornament in low relief, also ANAGLYPHICAL.
AREOGRAPHYareography n. (Astronomy, geography) The scientific study of the planet Mars’ geographical features; geography of Mars.
AREOGRAPHY n. the description of the physical features of the planet Mars.
AUTOGRAPHYautography n. Writing in one’s own handwriting.
autography n. A process in lithography by which a writing or drawing is transferred from paper to stone.
autography n. (Countable, rare) An autobiography.
CACOGRAPHYcacography n. Bad spelling or punctuation, especially unintuitive spellings considered as a feature of a whole language or dialect.
cacography n. Poor or illegible handwriting.
CACOGRAPHY n. bad handwriting (the antithesis of calligraphy) or orthography.
CYMAGRAPHScymagraphs n. Plural of cymagraph.
CYMAGRAPH n. an instrument for tracing the outline of mouldings, also CYMOGRAPH.
DYSGRAPHIAdysgraphia n. A language disorder that affects a person’s ability to write.
DYSGRAPHIA n. writing impairment.
DYSPHAGIASdysphagias n. Plural of dysphagia.
DYSPHAGIA n. pathological difficulty in swallowing.
GRAPHICACYgraphicacy n. The ability to comprehend information presented in graphical form, such as maps and charts.
GRAPHICACY n. accurate understanding and use of visual information.
HYPALGESIAhypalgesia n. Alternative form of hypoalgesia.
HYPALGESIA n. diminished susceptibility to pain, also HYPALGIA.
HYPALLAGEShypallages n. Plural of hypallage.
HYPALLAGE n. a rhetorical figure in which relations between words are changed.
PACHYGYRIApachygyria n. Congenital malformation of the cerebral hemisphere, resulting in unusually thick convolutions of the…
PANTOPHAGYpantophagy n. A diet that consists of a variety of foods.
PANTOPHAGY n. omnivorousness.
PASIGRAPHYpasigraphy n. (Linguistics) A writing system where concepts are written instead of words. The system is not phonetic…
PASIGRAPHY n. a system of universal ideographic writing.
PHARYNGALSpharyngals n. Plural of pharyngal.
PHARYNGAL n. a sound produced with the pharynx, also PHARYNGEAL.
PHARYNGEALpharyngeal adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the pharynx.
pharyngeal adj. (Phonetics) Articulated with the pharynx; a term usually describing a consonant which is articulated…
pharyngeal n. (Phonetics) A sound that is articulated with the pharynx; ellipsis of pharyngeal consonant..
POLYPHAGIApolyphagia n. An excessive appetite for food.
polyphagia n. (Zoology) The eating of many different types of food.
POLYPHAGIA n. the eating of excessive amounts, or many different kinds, of food.
SCATOPHAGYscatophagy n. Synonym of coprophagy.
SCATOPHAGY n. the religious practice of eating excrement.
TACHYGRAPHtachygraph n. An example of tachygraphy or shorthand, especially an ancient manuscript.
XYLOPHAGANxylophagan n. Any wood-boring marine bivalve of the genus Xylophaga, which bores into wood.
XYLOPHAGAN n. one of a tribe of beetles whose larvae bore or live in wood.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 78 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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