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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing 2A, 2G, S and T

AGGRAVATESaggravates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of aggravate.
AGGRAVATE v. to make worse.
AGGREGATESaggregates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of aggregate.
aggregates n. Plural of aggregate.
AGGREGATE v. to cause to come together.
GANGMASTERgangmaster n. A person who employs, and directs the labour of, temporary or migratory labourers, especially for seasonal…
GANGMASTER n. a person who recruits and manages temporary or migratory labourers, esp. for seasonal agricultural work.
GARAGISTESGARAGISTE n. a garage proprietor or owner, also GARAGIST.
GARBAGIESTGARBAGY adj. like garbage, also GARBAGEY.
GARGANTUASGARGANTUA n. a monster in a Japanese film.
GASTRALGIAgastralgia n. Stomach ache.
GASTRALGIA n. pain in the stomach or epigastrium, as in gastric disorders.
GASTRALGICgastralgic adj. Relating to gastralgia, or stomach ache.
GASTRALGIC adj. relating to gastralgia, pain in the stomach.
HAGGADISTSHaggadists n. Plural of Haggadist.
HAGGADIST n. a scholar versed in the haggadah, also HAGADIST.
SABOTAGINGsabotaging v. Present participle of sabotage.
SABOTAGE v. to destroy maliciously.
SAGINATINGsaginating v. Present participle of saginate.
SAGINATE v. to fatten animals.
STAGNATINGstagnating v. Present participle of stagnate.
STAGNATE v. to become still and dull.
STARGAZINGstargazing v. Present participle of stargaze.
stargazing n. The act of gazing at the stars; astronomy.
STARGAZING n. observation of the stars.
STRAVAGINGstravaging v. Present participle of stravage.
STRAVAGE v. to stroll, also STRAVAIG.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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