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There are 20 ten-letter words containing 2A, E, L, S and X

ALEXANDERSalexanders n. Any of various umbellifers, often specifically Smyrnium olusatrum or Heracleum maximum, the cow parsnip.
alexanders n. (Chiefly North America) Various plants of genus Zizia or Angelica thought to resemble European alexanders.
alexanders n. Plural of alexander.
AMBISEXUALambisexual adj. (Zoology) Hermaphroditic.
ambisexual adj. Bisexual: attracted to persons of either sex.
ambisexual adj. Unisex: fit for persons of either sex.
AMBOSEXUALAMBOSEXUAL adj. common to both sexes, also AMBISEXUAL.
ANTISEXUALantisexual adj. Opposing sexual intercourse.
antisexual n. One who is opposed to sex or to (teaching, researching, expressing, etc) sexuality.
ANTISEXUAL n. one who is opposed to sexuality or sexual activity.
ASEXUALITYasexuality n. The state or quality of being asexual, that is…
ASEXUALITY n. the state of being asexual.
AXIALITIESaxialities n. Plural of axiality.
AXIALITY n. the state of being axial.
AXILLARIESaxillaries n. Plural of axillary.
AXILLARY n. a feather on the undersurface of a bird's wing, also AXILLAR.
BATTLEAXESbattleaxes n. Plural of battleaxe.
battle-axes n. Plural of battle-ax.
battle␣axes n. Plural of battle axe.
CURTALAXEScurtal-axes n. Plural of curtal-ax.
curtal-axes n. Plural of curtal-axe.
CURTALAX n. a short broadsword, also CURTAXE, CURTALAXE.
EXTRASOLARextrasolar adj. (Astronomy) of or originating outside the Solar System.
extrasolar adj. (Astrophysics) of or originating in a solar system other than Earth’s.
extra-solar adj. Alternative spelling of extrasolar.
PANSEXUALSpansexuals n. Plural of pansexual.
pan-sexuals n. Plural of pan-sexual.
PANSEXUAL n. an adherent of this.
PARALEXIASparalexias n. Plural of paralexia.
PARALEXIA n. transposition of words or syllables in reading, due to brain damage.
PARALLAXESparallaxes n. Plural of parallax.
PARALLAX n. an apparent optical displacement of an object.
PARASEXUALparasexual adj. (Biology) Exhibiting parasexuality.
parasexual adj. Both parasocial and sexual; being or relating to a one-sided sexual relationship.
PARASEXUAL adj. relating to reproduction that results in recombination of genes from different individuals.
SEXANGULARsexangular adj. Having six angles; hexagonal.
SEXANGULAR adj. hexagonal.
SEXAVALENTsexavalent adj. (Obsolete) hexavalent.
SEXAVALENT adj. hexavalent.
TAXIPLANEStaxiplanes n. Plural of taxiplane.
TAXIPLANE n. an aircraft that is available for hire.
TOADFLAXEStoadflaxes n. Plural of toadflax.
TOADFLAX n. a plant of the figwort family, resembling a snapdragon.
TRANSAXLEStransaxles n. Plural of transaxle.
TRANSAXLE n. a driving axle and differential gearbox forming an integral unit.
TRANSEXUALtransexual adj. (Rare) Alternative spelling of transsexual.
transexual n. (Rare) Alternative spelling of transsexual.
TRANSEXUAL n. a person anatomically of one sex but having a strong desire to adopt the physical characteristics and role of a member of the opposite sex, also TRANSSEXUAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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