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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing 2A, E, H, S and V

AFTERSHAVEaftershave n. A lotion, gel, or liquid used after finishing shaving.
after-shave n. Alternative spelling of aftershave.
AFTERSHAVE n. a usually scented lotion for use on the face after shaving.
ANCHOVETASanchovetas n. Plural of anchoveta.
ANCHOVETA n. (Spanish) a small fish like an anchovy, also ANCHOVETTA.
AVALANCHESavalanches n. Plural of avalanche.
avalanches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of avalanche.
AVALANCHE n. a generic term for any slide of snow, ice, and debris.
DRAWSHAVESdrawshaves n. Plural of drawshave.
DRAWSHAVE n. a carpentry tool, also DRAWKNIFE.
HANDSTAVEShandstaves n. Plural of handstaff.
HANDSTAFF n. a staff-like handle e.g. of a flail.
HARVESTMANharvestman n. A field-worker who works to gather in the harvest.
harvestman n. An order of terrestrial, non-venomous arachnids with often very long legs: Opiliones.
HARVESTMAN n. any member of the Opiliones, a class of Arachnida with very long legs, also HARVESTER.
HAVERSACKShaversacks n. Plural of haversack.
HAVERSACK n. a bag worn over the shoulder for carrying provisions.
LEVIATHANSleviathans n. Plural of leviathan.
Leviathans n. Plural of Leviathan.
LEVIATHAN n. an (imaginary or real) aquatic animal of enormous size; anything of giant size.
NAVARCHIESNAVARCHY n. rulership over the seas.
SHAVETAILSshavetails n. Plural of shavetail.
SHAVETAIL n. (US slang) a second lieutenant.
VISCACHERAviscachera n. A warren inhabited by viscachas.
VISCACHERA n. (Spanish) a settlement of viscachas, a gregarious burrowing South American rodent.
WAVESHAPESwaveshapes n. Plural of waveshape.
WAVESHAPE n. a graph showing the variation in amplitude of any signal propagated as a wave.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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