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There are 19 ten-letter words containing 2A, 2E, Q and U

ADEQUACIESadequacies n. Plural of adequacy.
ADEQUACY n. the state of sufficiency.
ADEQUATELYadequately adv. In an adequate manner.
adequately adv. Sufficient to satisfy a requirement or meet a need; sufficiently; satisfactorily.
adequately adv. Barely satisfactory or sufficient.
ADEQUATIVEadequative adj. (Rare) equivalent or sufficient; adequate.
ADEQUATIVE adj. tending to be or make adequate.
AQUARELLESaquarelles n. Plural of aquarelle.
AQUARELLE n. (French) a method of painting in transparent watercolour; such a painting.
ARABESQUEDarabesqued adj. (Art) Patterned with arabesques.
ARABESQUED adj. ornamented in the style of arabesque.
ARABESQUESarabesques n. Plural of arabesque.
ARABESQUE n. a movement in dancing; a curve, also ARABESK.
BEQUEATHALbequeathal n. The act of bequeathing; bequeathment; bequest.
BEQUEATHAL n. the act of bequeathing.
DESQUAMATEdesquamate v. (Intransitive) To shed or peel.
DESQUAMATE v. to scale or flake off.
EARTHQUAKEearthquake n. A shaking of the ground, caused by volcanic activity or movement around geologic faults.
earthquake n. (Planetary geology) Such a quake specifically occurring on the planet Earth, as opposed to other celestial bodies.
earthquake v. (Intransitive) To undergo an earthquake.
EQUIPARATEequiparate v. (Chiefly historical) To perform equiparation; to transfer attributes from one object or concept to another.
equiparate v. (Rare) To compare.
EQUIPARATE v. (obsolete) to regard or treat as equal.
HEADSQUAREheadsquare n. A headscarf.
HEADSQUARE n. a square of material used as a covering for the head.
ILLAQUEATEillaqueate v. To ensnare or entrap; to entangle; to catch.
ILLAQUEATE v. to ensnare.
INADEQUATEinadequate adj. Not adequate; not fit for the purpose.
inadequate n. An individual who is inadequate.
INADEQUATE adj. not adequate.
MASQUERADEmasquerade n. An assembly or party of people wearing (usually elaborate or fanciful) masks and costumes, and amusing…
masquerade n. The act of wearing a mask or dressing up in a costume for, or as if for, a masquerade ball.
masquerade n. (Figuratively) An act of living under false pretenses; a concealment of something by a false or unreal…
MEGAQUAKESmegaquakes n. Plural of megaquake.
MEGAQUAKE n. a very large earthquake.
QUARTERAGEquarterage n. A quarterly payment or allowance, tax, pension, or wage paid or received.
quarterage n. The provision of quarters (as for troops), or the cost of it.
QUARTERAGE n. a quarterly allowance.
QUATERNATEquaternate adj. Composed of, or arranged in, sets of four.
QUATERNATE adj. in sets of four.
SQUAREHEADsquarehead n. (Slang) An honest person; a non-criminal.
squarehead n. (Slang) A foreigner of Germanic origin, especially a German, Dutch, or Scandinavian person.
squarehead n. (Slang) A socially conventional or boring person.
WATERQUAKEwaterquake n. An earthquake that happens underwater, usually in an ocean or lake.
WATERQUAKE n. a seismic disturbance affecting the sea.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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