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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing 2A, 2E, H and W

ALLWEATHERall-weather adj. Not affected by climatic conditions; capable of normal operation regardless of precipitation, wind, sun, etc.
all-weather adj. (Figuratively) Always there when needed, reliable, dependable, loyal, faithful.
ALLWEATHER n. a track or pitch suitable for use in all weathers.
BEACHWEARSBEACHWEAR n. wear suitable for the beach.
EAGLEHAWKSeaglehawks n. Plural of eaglehawk.
eagle-hawks n. Plural of eagle-hawk.
EAGLEHAWK n. a large bird of prey.
EARTHWAXESEARTHWAX n. a natural wax used for electrical insulation.
HEADWAITERheadwaiter n. A waiter who has a supervisory position over the other wait staff; chief waiter.
HEADWAITER n. the head of the dining-room staff of a restaurant or hotel.
HEADWATERSheadwaters n. The source of a river, the set of streams that feed into the river’s beginning.
HEADWATER n. the highest part of a stream or river before receiving tributaries.
HEARTWATERheartwater n. Ehrlichiosis.
HEARTWATER n. a fatal tick-borne viral disease of cattle, sheep and goats.
HEAVENWARDheavenward adv. Toward heaven.
heavenward adv. Toward the heavens, skyward.
heavenward adj. Which leads toward heaven.
HYPERAWAREhyperaware adj. Extremely aware; much more alert to stimuli than normal.
HYPERAWARE adj. excessively aware.
SHAPEWEARSSHAPEWEAR n. underwear that shapes the body.
SHAREWARESSHAREWARE n. a computer program available for use for a small payment made on trust.
SHEARWATERshearwater n. Any of the long-winged pelagic seabirds of the family Procellariidae in genera Puffinus, Ardenna, and…
shearwater n. (By extension) Any of the entire family Procellariidae, including certain of the petrels.
SHEARWATER n. a gull-like oceanic bird of the petrel family.
SWATHEABLESWATHEABLE adj. that can be swathed, also SWATHABLE.
WASHETERIAwasheteria n. Synonym of laundromat.
washeteria n. A building that houses a village’s only running water for drinking, washing, and showering.
WASHETERIA n. a laundrette, also WASHATERIA.
WATERHEADSwaterheads n. Plural of waterhead.
WATERHEAD n. the source of a river.
WAVESHAPESwaveshapes n. Plural of waveshape.
WAVESHAPE n. a graph showing the variation in amplitude of any signal propagated as a wave.
WEATHERMANweatherman n. A person, especially a male one, who reports the weather conditions or forecasts.
Weatherman prop.n. A radical American left-wing terrorist organization of the late 1960s and 1970s, opposing the US government.
Weatherman n. A member of this organization.
WHEATMEALSwheatmeals n. Plural of wheatmeal.
WHEATMEAL n. wheat flour with some of the germ and bran removed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 67 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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