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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing 2A, D, O, R and Y

ACCORDANCYaccordancy n. (Obsolete, rare) accordance.
ACCORDANCY n. accordance, also ACCORDANCE.
ADJURATORYadjuratory adj. Of or pertaining to an adjuration.
ADJURATORY adj. containing an adjuration.
ADVISATORYadvisatory adj. (Law) Advisory.
ADVISATORY adj. having the attribute of advising, also ADVISORY.
ADVOCATORYadvocatory adj. Characteristic of an advocate.
ADVOCATORY adj. of or pertaining to an advocate.
AFFORDABLYaffordably adv. In an affordable manner; to an affordable degree.
AFFORDABLE adv. that can be afforded.
AMENDATORYamendatory adj. For the purpose of amending or correction.
AMENDATORY adj. supplying amendment.
ARYBALLOIDARYBALLOID adj. in the form of an aryballos, a globular oil-flask with a neck.
ARYTAENOIDarytaenoid n. Alternative form of arytenoid.
arytaenoid adj. Alternative form of arytenoid.
arytænoid n. Obsolete form of arytenoid.
BARDOLATRYbardolatry n. (Usually derogatory) excessive or religious worship of William Shakespeare.
BARDOLATRY n. excessive devotion to or worship of Shakespeare.
CARDBOARDYcardboardy adj. (Informal) Resembling cardboard.
CARDBOARDY adj. like cardboard.
CHARDONNAYchardonnay n. Alternative letter-case form of Chardonnay.
Chardonnay n. (Countable) A green-skinned grape variety used to make a white wine.
Chardonnay n. (Uncountable) A variety of wine made from this grape.
DAYSAILORSdaysailors n. Plural of daysailor.
DAYSAILOR n. a dayboat powered by sail, also DAYSAILER.
DEFAMATORYdefamatory adj. Damaging to someone’s reputation, especially if untrue.
DEFAMATORY adj. serving to defame.
GLADIATORYgladiatory adj. (Archaic) gladiatorial.
GLADIATORY adj. (obsolete) of or like a gladiator, also GLADIATORIAL, GLADIATORIAN.
HYDROMANIAhydromania n. A morbid craving for water.
hydromania n. A morbid propensity to suicide by drowning.
hydromania n. An intense attraction to water. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
INDAGATORYindagatory adj. Indagative.
INDAGATORY adj. investigative, also INDAGATIVE.
MYOCARDIALmyocardial adj. (Cardiology) Relating to the myocardium, the thick muscular wall of the heart.
MYOCARDIAL adj. relating to the myocardium, the main substance of the muscular wall of the heart inclosed between the epicardium and endocardium.
MYRIAPODANMYRIAPODAN adj. of or like a myriapod.
PARDONABLYpardonably adv. In a pardonable manner.
PARDONABLE adv. that can be pardoned.
VALIDATORYvalidatory adj. That serves to validate.
VALIDATORY adj. relating to validation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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