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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing 2A, D, I, P and U

APPLAUDINGapplauding v. Present participle of applaud.
applauding n. Applause.
APPLAUD v. to express approval by clapping the hands.
AUDIOGRAPHaudiograph n. An instrument used to measure a person’s hearing.
AUDIOGRAPH n. a machine used to test a patient's hearing by transmitting sound waves directly to the inner ear.
AUDIOTAPEDaudiotaped v. Simple past tense and past participle of audiotape.
AUDIOTAPE v. to record on audiotape.
AUDIOTAPESaudiotapes n. Plural of audiotape.
audio␣tapes n. Plural of audio tape.
AUDIOTAPE v. to record on audiotape.
AUSPICATEDauspicated v. Simple past tense and past participle of auspicate.
AUSPICATE v. to prognosticate, predict.
DIAPAUSINGdiapausing adj. Undergoing a diapause.
DIAPAUSE v. in insects and the embryos of some animals, to undergo a period of suspended animation and growth.
DIAPHANOUSdiaphanous adj. Transparent or translucent; allowing light to pass through; capable of being seen through.
diaphanous adj. Of a fine, almost transparent, texture; gossamer; light and insubstantial.
diaphanous adj. (Physics) Isorefractive, having an identical refractive index.
EUPATRIDAEEupatridae n. (Historical) The ancient nobility of the Greek region of Attica.
EUPATRID n. (Greek) a member of the aristocracy in ancient Greek states.
PALLADIOUSpalladious adj. (Chemistry) Of, pertaining to, or containing palladium; used specifically to designate those compounds…
PALLADIOUS adj. containing palladium.
PALLADIUMSpalladiums n. Plural of palladium.
PALLADIUM n. a metallic element resembling platinum.
PARAPODIUMparapodium n. (Zoology) Any of the paired unjointed lateral outgrowths used for locomotion by worms such as annelids.
parapodium n. (Zoology) A lateral expansion on both sides of the foot in some gastropods, often used as a swimming organ.
PARAPODIUM n. a jointless muscular lateral appendage occurring in pairs in polychaete worms.
PASQUINADEpasquinade n. A lampoon, originally as published in public; a satire or libel on someone.
pasquinade v. (Transitive) To satirize (someone) by using a pasquinade.
PASQUINADE n. (French) a lampoon posted in a public place.
RADIOPAQUEradiopaque adj. Impenetrable to X-rays and other radiation.
RADIOPAQUE adj. not allowing passage of X-rays.
ULTRARAPIDultrarapid adj. Extraordinarily rapid; of utmost rapidity.
ULTRARAPID adj. very very rapid.
UNPARADISEunparadise v. (Transitive) To deprive of happiness like that of paradise; to make unhappy.
UNPARADISE v. to deprive of happiness like that of paradise.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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