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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing 2A, C, N, P and U

AQUAPONICSaquaponics n. (Agriculture) A sustainable food production system that combines traditional aquaculture with hydroponics…
CAMPANULARcampanular adj. Campanulate; bell-shaped.
CAMPANULAR adj. relating to plants of the Campanula genus.
CAMPANULAScampanulas n. Plural of campanula.
CAMPANULA n. (Latin) a member of the bellflower family.
CANTALOUPEcantaloupe n. A melon of species Cucumis melo subsp. melo with sweet orange flesh, with numerous cultivars in several…
cantaloupe n. An orange colour, like that of cantaloupe flesh.
CANTALOUPE n. (Italian) a small musk melon with a ribbed skin, also CANTALOUP.
CANTALOUPScantaloups n. Plural of cantaloup.
CANTALOUP n. (Italian) a small musk melon with a ribbed skin, also CANTALOUPE.
CAPITULANTcapitulant n. One who capitulates.
CAPITULANT n. a person who capitulates.
LAUNCHPADSlaunchpads n. Plural of launchpad.
launch␣pads n. Plural of launch pad.
LAUNCHPAD n. a platform from which a rocket can be launched.
PANCRATIUMpancratium n. (Historical) An ancient athletic contest involving both boxing and wrestling.
pancratium n. (Botany) Any of the genus Pancratium of African and Eurasian perennial, herbaceous and bulbous plants…
PANCRATIUM n. an athletic contest involving both boxing and wrestling.
PANICULATEpaniculate adj. Having a branched cluster of flowers.
PANICULATE adj. having or arranged in panicles, also PANICULATED.
PARAMOUNCYPARAMOUNCY n. the state of being paramount, also PARAMOUNTCY.
PISCIFAUNAPISCIFAUNA n. the fish life of an area.
PULSATANCEpulsatance n. (Physics) angular frequency (in radians per second).
PULSATANCE n. the angular frequency of a periodic motion.
PUTTANESCAputtanesca n. A cooking sauce made from tomato flavoured with garlic, anchovies, capers and olives, created in Naples.
puttanesca adj. (Usually postpositive) Served with puttanesca sauce.
SNAPHAUNCEsnaphaunce n. Alternative form of snaphance.
SNAPHAUNCE n. (obsolete) a freebooter; a flintlock; a spring catch or trap, also SNAPHANCE, SNAPHAUNCH.
SNAPHAUNCHSNAPHAUNCH n. (obsolete) a freebooter; a flintlock; a spring catch or trap, also SNAPHANCE, SNAPHAUNCE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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