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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing 2A, C, L, U and Y

ACCURATELYaccurately adv. In an accurate manner; exactly; precisely; without error or defect.
ACCURATE adv. free from error.
ADACTYLOUSadactylous adj. Without fingers or without toes.
adactylous adj. Without claws on the feet (of crustaceous animals).
ADACTYLOUS adj. lacking fingers or claws.
AMYLACEOUSamylaceous adj. Pertaining to, or of the nature of, starch; starchy.
AMYLACEOUS adj. pertaining to starch.
ARTICULACYarticulacy n. The condition of being articulate.
ARTICULACY n. the state of being articulate.
BRACHYURALbrachyural adj. (Zoology) Of or relating to the Brachyura.
BRACHYURAL adj. relating to the Brachyura, a group of decapod crustaceans, also BRACHYUROUS.
CALCULABLYcalculably adv. In a calculable manner.
CALCULABLE adv. that can be calculated.
CALYCULATEcalyculate adj. Calycular.
CALYCULATE adj. having a calyculus, a cuplike structure.
CAPITULARYcapitulary n. A member of an ecclesiastical chapter.
capitulary n. A set of decrees, especially those made by the Frankish kings.
capitulary adj. Of or related to a chapter, in its various senses.
CHARTULARYchartulary n. Alternative form of cartulary.
CHARTULARY n. a collection of deeds and titles to estate or monastery.
FACTUALITYfactuality n. The state or quality of being factual.
factuality n. That which is factual.
FACTUALITY n. the state of being factual.
IMMACULACYimmaculacy n. Immaculateness.
IMMACULACY n. the state of being immaculate.
JACULATORYjaculatory adj. Darting or throwing out suddenly; also, suddenly thrown out; uttered in short sentences; ejaculatory.
JACULATORY adj. throwing out suddenly.
LAUNCEGAYElauncegaye n. Obsolete form of lancegay.
LAUNCEGAYE n. (obsolete) a kind of spear, also LANCEGAY.
NAUTICALLYnautically adv. In a nautical manner.
NAUTICAL adv. relating to ships, also NAUTIC.
ORACULARLYoracularly adv. In an oracular manner.
ORACULAR adv. of the nature of an oracle, also ORACULOUS.
TACTUALITYtactuality n. The quality of being tactual (relating to the sense of touch); that which concerns or is characterized by touch.
TACTUALITY n. tactual quality.
UNANALYTICunanalytic adj. Not analytic.
UNANALYTIC adj. not analytic, also UNANALYTICAL.
VASCULARLYvascularly adv. Via the blood vessels.
VASCULAR adv. pertaining to ducts that convey body fluids.
VOCABULARYvocabulary n. A usually alphabetized and explained collection of words e.g. of a particular field, or prepared for…
vocabulary n. The collection of words a person knows and uses.
vocabulary n. The stock of words used in a particular field.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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