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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing 2A, C, F, O and T

AREFACTIONarefaction n. (Rare or obsolete) The fact or process of drying; desiccation.
AREFACTION n. the act of drying, or the state of growing dry.
CALEFACTORcalefactor n. A heater; one who, or that which, makes hot, such as a stove, etc.
CALEFACTOR n. a heater; one who, or that which, makes hot, as a stove, etc.
DEFAECATORdefaecator n. Alternative form of defecator.
DEFAECATOR n. one who defaecates, also DEFECATOR.
DEFALCATORdefalcator n. A defaulter or embezzler.
DEFALCATOR n. a defaulter or embezzler.
FABRICATORfabricator n. A person who fabricates or manufactures something; a manufacturer.
fabricator n. A person who makes a fabrication of something; a counterfeiter or falsifier.
FABRICATOR n. one who fabricates.
FACTIONARYfactionary adj. (Obsolete) Belonging to a faction; partisan; taking sides.
factionary n. A member of a faction.
FACTIONARY n. a member of a faction.
FACTORABLEfactorable adj. (Mathematics) Capable of being factored. For integers synonyms are composite, non-prime.
FACTORABLE adj. that can be factored.
FACTORAGESfactorages n. Plural of factorage.
FACTORAGE n. the fees or commission of a factor.
FACTORIALSfactorials n. Plural of factorial.
FACTORIAL n. the product of a series of factors; specifically the product of an integer and all lower integers.
FALCATIONSfalcations n. Plural of falcation.
FALCATION n. the state of being falcate, sickle-shaped.
FANTASTICOfantastico adj. (Informal, humorous) fantastic.
FANTASTICO n. (Shakespeare) a dandy.
FASCIATIONfasciation n. The binding-up of a limb, etc., with bandages.
fasciation n. (Obsolete) A bandage.
fasciation n. The process or state of being fasciated.
FASCINATORfascinator n. A fascinating person or thing.
fascinator n. A delicate, often frivolous head decoration worn on the hair, primarily by women.
fascinator n. (Dated, US) A type of wool or lace headscarf.
FRACTIONALfractional adj. Pertaining to a fraction.
fractional adj. Divided; fragmentary; incomplete.
fractional adj. Very small; minute.
MALEFACTORmalefactor n. A criminal or felon.
malefactor n. An evildoer.
MALEFACTOR n. an evildoer, a criminal.
MATRIFOCALmatrifocal adj. (Anthropology) Family structure in which mothers head families and fathers play a less important role…
MATRIFOCAL adj. in anthropology, focused on the mother.
NONFACTUALnonfactual adj. Not factual; false or fictional.
non-factual adj. Alternative form of nonfactual.
NONFACTUAL adj. not factual.
PATRIFOCALpatrifocal adj. Patriarchal.
PATRIFOCAL adj. centred on the father.
ROADCRAFTSROADCRAFT n. knowledge and skill useful to road users.
SOLFATARICsolfataric adj. Pertaining to or characterized by a solfatara.
SOLFATARIC adj. relating to a solfatara, a volcanic vent emitting only gases.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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