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There are 17 ten-letter words containing 2A, B, 2L and P

APPEALABLEappealable adj. (Law, of a verdict etc.) That may be appealed, or sent to a higher court for judgement.
appealable adj. (Obsolete) That may be accused or called to answer by appeal.
APPEALABLE adj. capable of being appealed against; that may be removed to a higher tribunal for decision; as, the cause is appealable.
APPLICABLEapplicable adj. Suitable for application, relevant.
APPLICABLE adj. that can be applied, also APPLIABLE.
APPLICABLYapplicably adv. In an applicable manner.
APPLICABLE adv. that can be applied, also APPLIABLE.
BALLPLAYERballplayer n. Alternative form of ball player.
ball␣player n. A player of a ball game; especially a basketball, baseball, or football player.
BALLPLAYER n. a person who plays ball.
IMPALPABLEimpalpable adj. Not able to be perceived by the senses (especially by touch); intangible or insubstantial; not easily…
IMPALPABLE adj. not perceivable by touch.
IMPALPABLYimpalpably adv. In an impalpable manner.
IMPALPABLE adv. not perceivable by touch.
IMPLACABLEimplacable adj. Not able to be placated or appeased.
implacable adj. Impossible to prevent or stop; inexorable, unrelenting, unstoppable.
implacable adj. Adamant; immovable.
IMPLACABLYimplacably adv. In an implacable manner.
IMPLACABLE adv. incapable of being placated.
LAMPBLACKSlampblacks n. Plural of lampblack.
LAMPBLACK n. a finely divided form of almost pure carbon produced by the incomplete combustion of organic compounds.
PADDLEBALLpaddleball n. An early form of racquetball.
PADDLEBALL n. a game like handball played by hitting the ball with a paddle.
PAINTBALLSpaintballs n. Plural of paintball.
paintballs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of paintball.
PAINTBALL n. a type of war game where the ammunition used is paint fired from compressed-air guns.
PALLBEARERpallbearer n. (Archaic) One who carries a corner of the pall over a coffin or casket.
pallbearer n. One called upon to carry or bear the casket at a funeral.
PALLBEARER n. a person who helps to carry the coffin at a funeral.
PLANOBLASTplanoblast n. (Zoology) Any free-swimming gonophore of a hydroid; a hydroid medusa.
PLANOBLAST n. any free-swimming gonophore of a hydroid; a hydroid medusa.
PORTABELLAportabella n. Alternative spelling of portobello.
PORTABELLA n. a variety of button mushroom, also PORTABELLO, PORTOBELLO.
REPEALABLErepealable adj. Capable of being repealed.
REPEALABLE adj. capable of being repealed.
UNPLAYABLEunplayable adj. (Of an audio or visual recording) Unable to be played on specified equipment, or at all.
unplayable adj. (Cricket, soccer, of the delivery of a ball) Impossible to play or to defend against.
unplayable adj. (Video games) That cannot be played, or is so tedious, complicated, buggy, etc. as to discourage or preclude playing.
UNPLAYABLYunplayably adv. In an unplayable way.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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