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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing 2A, B, H, N and T

ABASHMENTSabashments n. Plural of abashment.
ABASHMENT n. the state of being abashed.
ANALPHABETanalphabet n. A person who does not know the letters of the alphabet; a partly or wholly illiterate person.
analphabet adj. Ignorant of the letters of the alphabet; partly or wholly illiterate.
ANALPHABET n. an illiterate; one who doesn't know the alphabet or the basics of something, also ANALPHABETE.
AUTOBAHNENautobahnen n. Plural of autobahn.
AUTOBAHN n. (German) a motorway.
BACCHANTESbacchantes n. Plural of bacchant.
bacchantes n. Plural of bacchante.
BACCHANTE n. a priestess of Bacchus.
BACCHANTICbacchantic adj. Bacchanalian.
bacchantic adj. Pertaining to the clergy of Bacchus.
BATRACHIANbatrachian n. (Rare) A frog or toad.
batrachian adj. Pertaining to or resembling a frog or toad.
BATRACHIAN adj. pertaining to frogs or toads.
BRAHMANISTBrahmanist n. An adherent of the religion of the Brahmans.
BRAHMANIST n. a practitioner of brahmanism, also BRAHMINIST.
BRANCHIATEbranchiate adj. (Anatomy) Furnished with branchiae; gilled, having gills.
BRANCHIATE adj. furnished with branchiae; as, branchiate segments.
COHABITANTcohabitant n. A person who cohabits with another.
COHABITANT n. one who dwells with another, or in the same place or country.
HABITATIONhabitation n. (Uncountable) The act of inhabiting; state of inhabiting or dwelling, or of being inhabited; occupancy.
habitation n. (Countable) A place of abode; settled dwelling; residence; house.
habitation n. A group, lodge, or company, as of the Primrose League.
HABITAUNCEHABITAUNCE n. (Spenser) dwelling-place.
HANDBASKEThandbasket n. A basket with a handle.
hand-basket n. Alternative spelling of handbasket.
HANDBASKET n. a basket carried in the hand.
INHABITANTinhabitant n. Someone or thing who lives in a place.
inhabitant adj. Resident.
INHABITANT n. one that occupies a particular place regularly, routinely, or for a period of time.
STANCHABLEstanchable adj. Able to be stanched.
STANCHABLE adj. that can be stanched, also STAUNCHABLE.
WATCHBANDSwatchbands n. Plural of watchband.
WATCHBAND n. a band on which a watch is worn.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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