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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing 2A, B, 2G and R

ABROGATINGabrogating v. Present participle of abrogate.
ABROGATE v. to repeal (a law, custom, etc.); to abolish authoritatively or formally.
BALBRIGGANbalbriggan n. An unbleached, knitted, cotton fabric mostly used for underwear.
Balbriggan prop.n. A town in Fingal, Ireland.
BALBRIGGAN n. a knitted, unbleached cotton fabric, used in hosiery and underwear.
BARGAININGbargaining v. Present participle of bargain.
bargaining n. The act of one who bargains.
BARGAINING n. the act of bargaining.
BRAGGARTLYbraggartly adj. Like a braggart; boastful.
BRAGGARTLY adj. like a braggart, boastful.
BRIGANDAGEbrigandage n. The lifestyle of a brigand.
BRIGANDAGE n. the practice of brigands.
GANGBANGERgangbanger n. (US, slang) A member of a violent gang; a violent person.
gangbanger n. (Vulgar, sex) Someone who takes part in a gangbang.
GANGBANGER n. (vulgar) one involved in a gangbang.
GANGBOARDSgangboards n. Plural of gangboard.
GANGBOARD n. a gangway, a plank for walking on.
GARBAGEMANgarbageman n. Alternative form of garbage man.
garbage␣man n. (Australia, US, Canada) Someone, usually male, whose job it is to collect refuse from people’s homes…
GARBAGEMAN n. one who collects and hauls away garbage.
GARBAGEMENgarbagemen n. Plural of garbageman.
garbage␣men n. Plural of garbage man.
GARBAGEMAN n. one who collects and hauls away garbage.
GARBAGIESTGARBAGY adj. like garbage, also GARBAGEY.
RATBAGGERYratbaggery n. (Australia, informal) bizarre or objectionable behaviour.
RATBAGGERY n. nonsense, eccentricity.
SANDBAGGERsandbagger n. One who sandbags (misleads about his/her ability level in order to win bets); a hustler.
sandbagger n. (Historical) A robber who uses a sandbag to stun victims.
SANDBAGGER n. an assaulter whose weapon is a sand bag.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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