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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing 3A, 2L and T

ALABLASTERalablaster n. Obsolete form of alabaster.
ALABLASTER n. (obsolete) alabaster.
ALLIGARTASalligartas n. Plural of alligarta.
ALLIGARTA n. (obsolete) an alligator, also ALIGARTA.
ANALYTICALanalytical adj. Of or pertaining to analysis; resolving into elements or constituent parts.
analytical adj. Using analytic reasoning as opposed to synthetic.
ANALYTICAL adj. pertaining to analysis, also ANALYTIC.
ANTALKALISantalkalis n. Plural of antalkali.
ANTALKALI n. a substance that neutralises alkalis.
APLACENTALaplacental adj. (Zoology) Lacking a placenta; belonging to the Aplacentata.
APLACENTAL adj. having no placenta.
AYATOLLAHSayatollahs n. Plural of ayatollah.
AYATOLLAH n. (Arabic) an Iranian religious leader.
CATACLINALCATACLINAL adj. of streams, valleys, etc., running in the direction of the dip of the surrounding rock strata.
LAVATIONALLAVATIONAL adj. relating to lavation.
LAVATORIALlavatorial adj. Of or pertaining to a lavatory.
lavatorial adj. Scatological.
LAVATORIAL adj. relating to a lavatory.
NATALITIALnatalitial adj. (Rare) Pertaining to a birthday.
NATALITIAL adj. of or pertaining to a birthday.
PALAESTRALpalaestral adj. Alternative form of palestral.
PALAESTRAL adj. related to a palaestra, a wrestling school.
PALATALISEpalatalise v. Alternative spelling of palatalize.
PALATALISE v. to make (a sound) palatal, also PALATALIZE.
PALATALIZEpalatalize v. (Phonetics, transitive) To pronounce a sound with the tongue against the palate of the mouth when that…
palatalize v. (Phonetics, intransitive, unaccusative, of a sound) To be pronounced with the tongue against the palate.
PALATALIZE v. to make (a sound) palatal, also PALATALISE.
PALATIALLYpalatially adv. In a manner or style befitting a palace.
PALATIAL adv. of or like a palace.
PANATELLASpanatellas n. Plural of panatella.
PANATELLA n. (Spanish) a long thin cigar, also PANATELA, PANETELA, PANETELLA.
TADALAFILSTADALAFIL n. a drug used to treat erectile dysfunction and benign prostatic hyperplasia.
TALEGALLAStalegallas n. Plural of talegalla.
TALEGALLA n. (Malagasy) a genus of Australian birds which includes the brush turkey.
TARANTELLAtarantella n. A rapid dance in 6/8 time, originating in Italy, or a piece of music for such a dance.
TARANTELLA n. (Italian) a lively, whirling South Italian dance once thought to be caused by tarantism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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