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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing 3A, H and 2T

ANATHEMATAanathemata n. Plural of anathema.
ANATHEMA n. (Greek) the formal act or formula of consigning to damnation.
ANTIASTHMAantiasthma adj. Countering asthma.
ANTIASTHMA adj. designed to prevent asthma.
APATHATONSAPATHATON n. (Shakespeare) an epitheton, an epithet, also EPITHET, EPITHETON.
ATHEROMATAatheromata n. Plural of atheroma.
ATHEROMA n. a fatty deposit in the lining of the arteries.
ATTACHABLEattachable adj. Able to be attached.
ATTACHABLE adj. that can be attached.
CATAPHRACTcataphract n. (Military, historical) Defensive armour covering the entire body of a soldier and often the soldier’s…
cataphract n. (Ichthyology, by extension, obsolete) An outer covering of some fish resembling armour or plate.
cataphract adj. (Nautical, historical) Of a galley such as a trireme: with the upper tier of rowers shielded rather than exposed.
HARMATTANSharmattans n. Plural of harmattan.
HARMATTAN n. (Fanti) a dry dusty wind from the Sahara blowing towards the West African coast.
HEMATOMATAhematomata n. Plural of hematoma.
HEMATOMA n. swelling filled with blood.
HEPATOMATAhepatomata n. Plural of hepatoma.
HEPATOMA n. a tumor on the liver.
MANHATTANSmanhattans n. Plural of manhattan.
Manhattans n. Plural of Manhattan.
MANHATTAN n. a kind of cocktail.
TATAHASHESTATAHASH n. (dialect) a stew containing potatoes and cheap cuts of meat.
TRAGACANTHtragacanth n. A polysaccharide gum, extracted from several species of leguminous plants of the genus Astragalus, formerly…
TRAGACANTH n. a gum used in pharmacy and as a vehicle for dye in calico-printing.
XANTHOMATAxanthomata n. Plural of xanthoma.
XANTHOMA n. a skin disease marked by the development of irregular yellowish patches upon the skin, esp. upon the eyelids.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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