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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing 3A, D, H and R

APHELANDRAaphelandra n. Any of the tropical evergreen shrubs in the genus Aphelandra.
APHELANDRA n. any shrub of the evergreen genus Aphelandra, widely grown as a house plant for its variegated shiny leaves and brightly coloured flowers.
ARACHNIDANarachnidan n. (Zoology) Any of the Arachnida.
ARACHNIDAN n. any member of class Arachnida.
AZEDARACHSazedarachs n. Plural of azedarach.
AZEDARACH n. (Persian) the stringent bark of the chinaberry, used as an emetic and cathartic.
CHARREADAScharreadas n. Plural of charreada.
CHARREADA n. (Spanish) a Mexican entertainment involving competitive riding and herding events.
DHARMSALASdharmsalas n. Plural of dharmsala.
DHARMSALA n. (Hindi) a building having a religious or charitable purpose, a free or cheap lodging for travellers, also DHARMSHALA.
DHARMSHALAdharmshala n. Alternative form of dharmsala.
DHARMSHALA n. (Hindi) a building having a religious or charitable purpose, a free or cheap lodging for travellers, also DHARMSALA.
HAMADRYADShamadryads n. Plural of hamadryad.
HAMADRYAD n. (Greek) a wood nymph associated with one particular tree; a king cobra.
HAPHAZARDShaphazards n. Plural of haphazard.
HAPHAZARD n. mere chance, fortuitousness.
HARAMZADASharamzadas n. Plural of haramzada.
HARAMZADA n. (Hinglish) an illegitimate male, also HARAMDA.
HARAMZADISHARAMZADI n. (Hinglish) an illegitimate female, also HARAMDI.
HAZARDABLEhazardable adj. Liable to chance or hazard; exposed to dangers; risky or uncertain.
hazardable adj. Capable of being hazarded or risked.
HAZARDABLE adj. liable to hazard or chance; uncertain; risky.
MADRASSAHSmadrassahs n. Plural of madrassah.
MADRASSAH n. (Arabic) an Islamic college, or school attached to mosque, also MADRASA, MADRASAH, MADRASSA, MEDRESA, MEDRESE, MEDRESSEH.
SANDARACHSsandarachs n. Plural of sandarach.
SANDARACH n. (Latin) the resin of a tropical tree, powdered to form pounce and used in making varnish, also SANDARAC.
SHARAWADGIsharawadgi n. (Historical or obsolete) A style of landscape gardening or architecture in which rigid lines and symmetry…
Sharawadgi n. Alternative letter-case form of sharawadgi.
SHARAWADGI n. in design, architecture etc., the use of irregularity for deliberate, artful, contrastive effect, also SHARAWAGGI.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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