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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing 3A, C, E and T

ABACTERIALabacterial adj. Not caused by bacteria; characterized by a lack of bacteria.
ABACTERIAL adj. not caused by or characterised by the presence of bacteria.
ACATALEPSYacatalepsy n. Incomprehensibility of things; the doctrine held by the ancient skeptic philosophers, that human knowledge…
ACATALEPSY n. the sceptic doctrine that knowledge cannot be certain.
ACETABULARacetabular adj. Cup-shaped; saucer-shaped.
acetabular adj. Related to the acetabulum.
ACETABULAR adj. cup-shaped; saucer-shaped.
ALCATRASESALCATRAS n. (Arabic) a kind of large water bird.
ANAPAESTICanapaestic adj. Alternative spelling of anapestic.
anapaestic n. Alternative spelling of anapestic.
ANAPAESTIC adj. in the form of an anapaest, two short metrical syllables followed by one long one.
APLACENTALaplacental adj. (Zoology) Lacking a placenta; belonging to the Aplacentata.
APLACENTAL adj. having no placenta.
ATACAMITESatacamites n. Plural of atacamite.
ATACAMITE n. an oxy-chloride of copper, usually in emerald-green prismatic crystals.
ATTACHABLEattachable adj. Able to be attached.
ATTACHABLE adj. that can be attached.
ATTACKABLEattackable adj. Which may be attacked.
ATTACKABLE adj. capable of being attacked.
CABALETTAScabalettas n. Plural of cabaletta.
CABALETTA n. (Italian) a simple operatic song or melody in rondo form.
CAPACITATEcapacitate v. (Transitive) To make capable of functioning in a given capacity.
capacitate v. (Transitive, zoology) To alter sperm to allow it to fertilize eggs.
capacitate v. (Transitive, mathematics) To reach maximum throughput on at least part of a constrained network.
CARBAMATEScarbamates n. Plural of carbamate.
CARBAMATE n. a salt or ester of carbamic acid, esp. as used as a pesticide, also CARBARYL.
CATACLASEScataclases n. Plural of cataclasis.
CATACLASIS n. the deformation of rocks by crushing and shearing.
CATAFALQUEcatafalque n. A platform used to display or convey a coffin during a funeral, often ornate.
CATAFALQUE n. (French) a temporary tomb used in funerals and processions, also CATAFALCO.
CATAMENIALcatamenial adj. Of or relating to the menses or menstruation.
CATAMENIAL adj. pertaining to the catamenia, or menstrual discharges.
CATANANCHECATANANCHE n. any plant of the South European genus Catananche, some of which are grown for their blue and white flowers.
CATASTASEScatastases n. Plural of catastasis.
CATASTASIS n. the part of drama where action is at its height.
CATENARIANcatenarian adj. Catenary; like a chain.
CATENARIAN adj. of or pertaining to chains.
METACARPALmetacarpal adj. Of the metacarpus.
metacarpal n. Any of the bones of the metacarpus.
METACARPAL n. a bone of the metacarpus.
SACCHARATEsaccharate n. A salt or ester of saccharic acid.
saccharate n. A metallic derivative of a sugar, usually with a bivalent metal - especially sucrate (not used systematically).
SACCHARATE n. a salt of saccharic acid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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