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There are 17 ten-letter words containing 3A, 2C and I

ACADEMICALacademical adj. (Rare) Belonging to the school of Plato; believing in Plato’s philosophy; sceptical .
academical adj. Pertaining to a university or other form of higher education.
academical n. (Plural only) Academic dress, consisting of a cap and gown.
ACALCULIASACALCULIA n. an inability to do simple mathematical calculations, also DYSCALCULIA.
ACARICIDALacaricidal adj. Deadly to acarids.
ACARICIDAL adj. relating to an acaricide, a substance that kills mites and ticks.
ACROAMATICacroamatic adj. Esoteric, abstruse; (in particular) taught orally to select students and not disseminated.
acroamatic adj. (Education) Based on lectures or exposition by monologue.
ACROAMATIC adj. abstruse, esoteric, also ACROAMATICAL.
ALCAICERIAALCAICERIA n. (Spanish) a bazaar.
ANACLASTICanaclastic adj. Produced by the refraction of light, as seen through water.
anaclastic adj. Springing back, as the bottom of an anaclastic glass.
ANACLASTIC adj. refractive; of or pertaining to refraction.
ANARCHICALanarchical adj. Anarchic.
ANARCHICAL adj. relating to anarchy, the complete absence of law or government, also ANARCHAL, ANARCHIAL, ANARCHIC.
ATARACTICSataractics n. Plural of ataractic.
ATARACTIC n. a tranquillizing drug, also ATARAXIC.
CACCIATORAcacciatora n. A style of cooking in which meat is cooked in a sauce containing mushrooms, shallots, tomatoes, white wine and herbs.
CACCIATORA adj. (Italian) of meat, cooked with tomatoes, mushrooms, onions and herbs, also CACCIATORE.
CACHAEMIAScachaemias n. Plural of cachaemia.
CACHAEMIA n. (archaic) a degenerated or poisoned condition of the blood.
CAPACITATEcapacitate v. (Transitive) To make capable of functioning in a given capacity.
capacitate v. (Transitive, zoology) To alter sperm to allow it to fertilize eggs.
capacitate v. (Transitive, mathematics) To reach maximum throughput on at least part of a constrained network.
CARAPACIALcarapacial adj. Relating to a carapace.
CARAPACIAL adj. of or like a carapace.
CARICATURAcaricatura n. Archaic form of caricature.
CARICATURA n. (Italian) a caricature.
CASCARILLAcascarilla n. A euphorbiaceous West Indian shrub (Croton eleutheria).
cascarilla n. The aromatic bark of this shrub, formerly used as a gentle tonic or mixed with tobacco for smoking.
CASCARILLA n. (Spanish) a euphorbiaceous West Indian shrub; its aromatic bark.
CATACLASIScataclasis n. (Geology) cataclastic rock (a type of metamorphic rock that has been wholly or partly formed by the…
cataclasis n. (Geology) A process of formation of such rock.
CATACLASIS n. the deformation of rocks by crushing and shearing.
CATACLINALCATACLINAL adj. of streams, valleys, etc., running in the direction of the dip of the surrounding rock strata.
PARATACTICparatactic adj. Pertaining to or using parataxis.
PARATACTIC adj. of pertaining to, or characterized by, parataxis, also PARATACTICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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