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There are 19 words containing A, 2S and 2Z

SAZZESsazzes n. Plural of saz.
SAZ n. a stringed instrument of the Middle East.
SCOZZASSCOZZA n. (Australian slang) a rowdy person, esp. one the worse for drink.
BUZZSAWSbuzzsaws n. Plural of buzzsaw.
buzz-saws n. Plural of buzz-saw.
buzz␣saws n. Plural of buzz saw.
SWAZZLESswazzles n. Plural of swazzle.
SWAZZLE n. an instrument which produces Mr Punch's voice, also SWOZZLE.
JAZZINESSjazziness n. The state, quality or property of being jazzy.
JAZZINESS n. the state of being jazzy.
SCUZZBAGSscuzzbags n. Plural of scuzzbag.
SCUZZBAG n. a dirty, disreputable person, also SCUZZBALL.
SNAZZIESTsnazziest adj. Superlative form of snazzy: most snazzy.
SNAZZY adj. trendily smart.
PASSAMEZZOpassamezzo n. An Italian folk dance of the 16th and early 17th centuries.
PASSAMEZZO n. an old dance, a pavan in quick time, also PASSEMEASURE.
SCUZZBALLSscuzzballs n. Plural of scuzzball.
SCUZZBALL n. a dirty, disreputable person, also SCUZZBAG.
SNAZZINESSsnazziness n. (Informal) Elegance in manner of dress; stylishness; flashiness.
snazziness n. (Informal) Excellence; cleverness, ingenuity, or adeptness in behavior, operation, or execution.
SNAZZINESS n. the state of being snazzy.
SPETZNAZESSPETZNAZ n. (Russian) a select military unit in the former Soviet Union, also SPETSNAZ.
BELSHAZZARSBelshazzars n. Plural of Belshazzar.
BELSHAZZAR n. a large wine bottle containing 2.80 gallons, also BALTHASAR, BALTHAZAR.
JAZZINESSESJAZZINESS n. the state of being jazzy.
MIZZENMASTSmizzenmasts n. Plural of mizzenmast.
mizzen-masts n. Plural of mizzen-mast (alternative form of mizzenmasts).
MIZZENMAST n. the mast aft or next aft of the mainmast in a ship, also MIZENMAST.
PASSAMEZZOSpassamezzos n. Plural of passamezzo.
PASSAMEZZO n. an old dance, a pavan in quick time, also PASSEMEASURE.
SCHNOZZOLASschnozzolas n. Plural of schnozzola.
SNAZZINESSESSNAZZINESS n. the state of being snazzy.
ZIGZAGGEDNESSzigzaggedness n. The state or quality of being zigzagged or alternating directions sharply.
ZIGZAGGEDNESS n. the state of being zigzag, also ZIGZAGGERY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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