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There are 17 words containing A, H, 2K and O

CHOCKABLOCKchockablock adj. (Nautical, of a ship’s hoisting tackle) Having the blocks drawn close together so no further movement…
chockablock adj. (By extension) Jammed tightly together, jam-packed; very crowded; completely filled or stuffed.
chockablock adv. In a crowded manner; as completely or closely as possible.
COOKSHACKcookshack n. A simple building where food is cooked, for example in a logging settlement.
COOKSHACK n. a shack used for cooking.
COOKSHACKScookshacks n. Plural of cookshack.
COOKSHACK n. a shack used for cooking.
HACKWORKhackwork n. Work, usually of a professional nature, either repetitive or done to a formula.
HACKWORK n. artistic work done according to formula.
HACKWORKShackworks n. Plural of hackwork.
HACKWORK n. artistic work done according to formula.
HOROKAKAHOROKAKA n. (Maori) a low-growing New Zealand plant with fleshy leaves and pink or white flowers.
HOROKAKASHOROKAKA n. (Maori) a low-growing New Zealand plant with fleshy leaves and pink or white flowers.
KAHIKATOAkahikatoa n. (New Zealand) Leptospermum scoparium, the manuka.
KAHIKATOA n. (Maori) a New Zealand myrtaceous tree, with strong elastic wood and aromatic leaves.
KAHIKATOASKAHIKATOA n. (Maori) a New Zealand myrtaceous tree, with strong elastic wood and aromatic leaves.
KALASHNIKOVKalashnikov prop.n. A particular model of Russian assault rifle.
Kalashnikov prop.n. A transliteration of the Russian surname Кала́шников.
KALASHNIKOV n. (Russian) a kind of sub-machinegun made in the former USSR.
KALASHNIKOVSKALASHNIKOV n. (Russian) a kind of sub-machinegun made in the former USSR.
KAZACHOKkazachok n. Alternative spelling of kozachok.
KAZACHOK n. (Russian) a Russian folk dance, also KAZACHOC, KAZATSKI, KAZATSKY, KAZATZKA.
KAZACHOKSkazachoks n. Plural of kazachok.
KAZACHOK n. (Russian) a Russian folk dance, also KAZACHOC, KAZATSKI, KAZATSKY, KAZATZKA.
KWASHIORKORkwashiorkor n. (Pathology) A form of malnutrition, found in children, caused by dietary insufficiency of protein in…
KWASHIORKOR n. a tropical disease of infants caused by protein deficiency.
KWASHIORKORSkwashiorkors n. Plural of kwashiorkor.
KWASHIORKOR n. a tropical disease of infants caused by protein deficiency.
PINAKOTHEKpinakothek n. Alternative form of pinacotheca.
PINAKOTHEK n. (German) a picture gallery.
PINAKOTHEKSpinakotheks n. Plural of pinakothek.
PINAKOTHEK n. (German) a picture gallery.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 488 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 20 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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