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There are 17 words containing A, G, J, K and R

CARJACKINGcarjacking v. Present participle of carjack.
carjacking n. The violent hijacking of a vehicle and sometimes its driver.
car-jacking v. Alternative spelling of carjacking.
CARJACKINGScarjackings n. Plural of carjacking.
car-jackings n. Plural of car-jacking.
car␣jackings n. Plural of car jacking.
HIGHJACKERhighjacker n. Alternative spelling of hijacker.
HIGHJACKER n. one that highjacks, also HIJACKER.
HIGHJACKERShighjackers n. Plural of highjacker.
HIGHJACKER n. one that highjacks, also HIJACKER.
JACKAROOINGjackarooing v. Present participle of jackaroo.
JACKAROO v. to work as a newcomer at a sheep farm, also JACKEROO.
JACKEROOINGjackerooing v. Present participle of jackeroo.
JACKEROO v. to work as a newcomer at a sheep farm, also JACKAROO.
JACKHAMMERINGjackhammering v. Present participle of jackhammer.
JACKHAMMER v. to hammer with a jackhammer.
JACKROLLINGjackrolling n. (South Africa) gang rape of women by men.
JACKROLL v. (South African) to roll a drunken or sleeping person.
JAILBREAKINGjailbreaking v. Present participle of jailbreak.
JAILBREAK v. to free from jail, also GAOLBREAK.
JAWBREAKINGjawbreaking adj. Very difficult to pronounce.
JAWBREAKING adj. difficult to pronounce.
JAWBREAKINGLYjawbreakingly adv. In a way that is very difficult to say or pronounce.
JAWBREAKING adv. difficult to pronounce.
KURRAJONGkurrajong n. (Australia) Any of a number of species of tree or shrub in the genus Brachychiton.
kurrajong n. (Australia) A peanut tree, Sterculia quadrifida, native to eastern coastal Australia; a red- or orange-fruited…
KURRAJONG n. (Native Australian) an Australian evergreen, also CURRAJONG, CURREJONG, CURRIJONG.
KURRAJONGSkurrajongs n. Plural of kurrajong.
KURRAJONG n. (Native Australian) an Australian evergreen, also CURRAJONG, CURREJONG, CURRIJONG.
REJACKETINGrejacketing v. Present participle of rejacket.
REJACKET v. to clothe in a jacket once more.
STRAIGHTJACKETstraightjacket n. Misspelling of straitjacket.
straight-jacket n. Misspelling of straitjacket.
straight␣jacket n. Alternative form of straightjacket.
STRAITJACKETINGstraitjacketing v. Present participle of straitjacket.
straitjacketing n. Constraints, restrictions.
STRAITJACKET v. to confine in or as if in a straitjacket.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 142 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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