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There are 20 words containing A, F, I, J and O

FEIJOAfeijoa n. A South American evergreen shrub, Acca sellowiana (syn. Feijoa sellowiana).
feijoa n. The green, ellipsoid fruit of this shrub, having a tart and sweet taste.
Feijoa prop.n. (Obsolete) Synonym of Acca (genus of plant).
FEIJOASfeijoas n. Plural of feijoa.
FEIJOA n. (Portuguese) a tropical evergreen shrub or small tree of the myrtle family; the edible green fruit of this.
JEOFAILjeofail n. (Law) An oversight in pleading, or the acknowledgment of a mistake or oversight.
JEOFAIL n. (obsolete) an omission or oversight in a law proceeding.
FEIJOADAfeijoada n. A stew of beans with beef and pork, considered the national dish of Brazil.
FEIJOADA n. a Brazilian dish of black beans, meat and vegetables served with rice.
JANIFORMjaniform adj. Resembling the god Janus, having two faces looking in opposite directions.
JANIFORM adj. like the Roman god Janus; two-faced, hypocritical.
JEOFAILSjeofails n. Plural of jeofail.
JEOFAIL n. (obsolete) an omission or oversight in a law proceeding.
FEIJOADASfeijoadas n. Plural of feijoada.
FEIJOADA n. a Brazilian dish of black beans, meat and vegetables served with rice.
OOJAMAFLIPoojamaflip n. (Uncommon) Something that one does not know the name of.
OOJAMAFLIP n. a thing whose name is temporarily forgotten.
OOJAMAFLIPSoojamaflips n. Plural of oojamaflip.
OOJAMAFLIP n. a thing whose name is temporarily forgotten.
JUSTIFICATORjustificator n. One who justifies or vindicates.
JUSTIFICATOR n. a person who defends or vindicates; a person who pardons and absolves from guilt and punishment.
JELLIFICATIONjellification n. The process or result of jellifying.
JELLIFICATION n. the act of jellifying.
JOLLIFICATIONjollification n. A merrymaking; noisy festivity.
JOLLIFICATION n. festivity, merrymaking.
JUSTIFICATIONjustification n. (Countable) A reason, explanation, or excuse which someone believes provides convincing, morally acceptable…
justification n. (Christianity, uncountable) The forgiveness of sin.
justification n. (Typography, uncountable) The alignment of text to the left margin (left justification), the right margin…
JUSTIFICATORSjustificators n. Plural of justificator.
JUSTIFICATOR n. a person who defends or vindicates; a person who pardons and absolves from guilt and punishment.
JUSTIFICATORYjustificatory adj. Providing justification.
JUSTIFICATORY adj. serving to justify, also JUSTIFICATIVE.
JELLIFICATIONSjellifications n. Plural of jellification.
JELLIFICATION n. the act of jellifying.
JOLLIFICATIONSjollifications n. Plural of jollification.
JOLLIFICATION n. festivity, merrymaking.
JUSTIFICATIONSjustifications n. Plural of justification.
JUSTIFICATION n. the act, process, or state of being justified by God.
OBJECTIFICATIONobjectification n. The process of objectifying something.
OBJECTIFICATION n. the act of objectifying.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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