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There are 16 words containing A, 2F, K and O

BAKEOFFbakeoff n. Alternative spelling of bake-off.
bake-off n. A cooking contest, especially one where competition is head-to-head, not limited to preparing food involving baking.
bake-off adj. (Of bread) Prepared in advance, to be finished off by baking.
BAKEOFFSbakeoffs n. Plural of bakeoff.
bake-offs n. Plural of bake-off.
BAKEOFF n. a baking contest in which competitors gather to prepare their specialties for judging.
BREAKOFFbreakoff n. Discontinuance (act of breaking off).
break-off n. That which breaks off, or is broken off.
break-off n. A break, discontinuance, or interruption.
BREAKOFFSbreakoffs n. Plural of breakoff.
break-offs n. Plural of break-off.
BREAKOFF n. an act of breaking off or stopping.
COFFEEMAKERcoffeemaker n. (Obsolete) A person who makes coffee.
coffeemaker n. Any of several different types of kitchen apparatus used to brew and filter coffee.
coffee-maker n. Alternative spelling of coffeemaker.
COFFEEMAKERScoffeemakers n. Plural of coffeemaker.
coffee-makers n. Plural of coffee-maker.
coffee␣makers n. Plural of coffee maker.
FRANKFORTFrankfort prop.n. A city, the county seat of Clinton County, Indiana, United States.
Frankfort prop.n. The capital city of Kentucky, United States and the county seat of Franklin County.
Frankfort prop.n. Obsolete form of Frankfurt (“city in Germany”).
FRANKFORTSFRANKFORT n. (German) a small smoked sausage, also FRANKFURT, FRANKFURTER.
OFFPEAKoffpeak adj. Alternative form of off-peak.
off-peak adj. During a period of less use or demand than the maximum (peak), generally overnight.
OFFPEAK adj. not at the time of highest demand.
OFFTAKEofftake v. (Obsolete) To take off; take away.
offtake n. A point or channel of drainage or off-flow; offlet.
offtake n. (Mining) The removal of oil (or an industrial chemical) from a storage facility.
OFFTAKESofftakes n. Plural of offtake.
OFFTAKE n. a pipe or channel for removing fluid.
OFFTRACKofftrack adj. Alternative spelling of off-track.
off-track adj. Away from an intended route; wayward.
off-track adj. (Of gambling) conducted away from a racetrack.
RAKEOFFrakeoff n. Alternative form of rake-off.
rake-off n. A percentage of an amount of money taken by a third-party as a bribe, as part of an unlawful enterprise…
rake␣off v. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see rake off.
RAKEOFFSrakeoffs n. Plural of rakeoff.
rake-offs n. Plural of rake-off.
RAKEOFF n. a share of the profits.
TAKEOFFtakeoff n. The rising or ascent of an aircraft or rocket into flight.
takeoff n. A parody or lampoon of someone or something.
takeoff n. A quantification, especially of building materials.
TAKEOFFStakeoffs n. Plural of takeoff.
take-offs n. Plural of take-off.
take␣offs n. Plural of take off.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 491 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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