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There are 12 words containing A, D, K, L and V

BACKVELDbackveld n. (Southern Africa) Backward and unsophisticated rural areas.
BACKVELD n. (South African) a remote area.
BACKVELDERbackvelder n. A native or inhabitant of the backveld.
BACKVELDER n. (South African) one who lives in the backveld, country remote from towns.
BACKVELDERSbackvelders n. Plural of backvelder.
BACKVELDER n. (South African) one who lives in the backveld, country remote from towns.
BACKVELDSbackvelds n. Plural of backveld.
BACKVELD n. (South African) a remote area.
GAVELKINDgavelkind n. (Historical) a system of inheritance associated with the county of Kent in England whereby, at the death…
GAVELKIND n. (archaic) a system of land inheritance by all sons equally, rather than by the eldest son.
GAVELKINDSgavelkinds n. Plural of gavelkind.
GAVELKIND n. (archaic) a system of land inheritance by all sons equally, rather than by the eldest son.
KHEDIVALkhedival adj. Alternative form of khedivial.
KHEDIVAL adj. relating to a khedive, the title of the Viceroy of Egypt, also KHEDIVIAL.
KHEDIVIALkhedivial adj. Of or relating to a khedive.
KHEDIVIAL adj. relating to a khedive, the Viceroy of Egypt, also KHEDIVAL.
LAVEROCKEDLAVEROCK v. to catch larks.
OVERTALKEDovertalked v. Simple past tense and past participle of overtalk.
OVERTALK v. to talk to excess.
VOLKSRAADVolksraad n. (Historical) A legislative assembly of various Dutch-speaking regions.
VOLKSRAAD n. (South African) a legislative assembly, esp. (with cap.) that of the Transvaal or Orange Free State.
VOLKSRAADSVolksraads n. Plural of Volksraad.
VOLKSRAAD n. (South African) a legislative assembly, esp. (with cap.) that of the Transvaal or Orange Free State.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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