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There are 15 words containing A, B, D, J and O

ABJOINTEDabjointed v. Simple past tense and past participle of abjoint.
ABJOINT v. to cut off by forming a septum.
DISJOINABLEDISJOINABLE adj. that can be disjoined.
DOORJAMBdoorjamb n. Either of the upright posts on either side of a door, which together support a lintel.
DOORJAMB n. one of the two vertical members forming the sides of a doorframe, aka doorpost.
DOORJAMBSdoorjambs n. Plural of doorjamb.
DOORJAMB n. one of the two vertical members forming the sides of a doorframe, aka doorpost.
HANDJOBhandjob n. Alternative spelling of hand job.
hand␣job n. (Slang) The act of stimulating someone’s penis or scrotum by someone else’s hand.
HANDJOB n. (vulgar) an act of manually stimulating the penis of another person.
HANDJOBShandjobs n. Plural of handjob.
hand␣jobs n. Plural of hand job.
HANDJOB n. (vulgar) an act of manually stimulating the penis of another person.
JABORANDIjaborandi n. Any of several species of the genus Pilocarpus of plants, some of which are important medicinally.
JABORANDI n. (Tupi) the native name of a South American rutaceous shrub, whose leaves are used in medicine as a diaphoretic and sialogogue.
JABORANDISjaborandis n. Plural of jaborandi.
JABORANDI n. (Tupi) the native name of a South American rutaceous shrub, whose leaves are used in medicine as a diaphoretic and sialogogue.
JACKBOOTEDjackbooted adj. Wearing jackboots.
jackbooted adj. (Figuratively) Authoritarian or oppressive, especially in a cruel or violent manner.
jackbooted v. Simple past tense and past participle of jackboot.
JAMBOKKEDjambokked v. Simple past tense and past participle of jambok.
JAMBOK v. (South African) to beat with a rhinoceros-hide whip, also SJAMBOK.
JAWBONEDjawboned v. Simple past tense and past participle of jawbone.
jawboned adj. (In combination) Having a specified kind of jawbone.
JAWBONE v. to lecture or scold.
OBJECTIVATEDobjectivated v. Simple past tense and past participle of objectivate.
OBJECTIVATE v. to render objective.
OBJURGATEDobjurgated v. Simple past tense and past participle of objurgate.
OBJURGATE v. to scold or rebuke sharply, to berate.
SJAMBOKEDsjamboked v. Simple past tense and past participle of sjamboke.
SJAMBOK v. (South African) to beat with a rhinoceros-hide whip, also JAMBOK.
SJAMBOKKEDsjambokked v. Simple past tense and past participle of sjambok.
SJAMBOK v. (South African) to beat with a rhinoceros-hide whip, also JAMBOK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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