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There are 18 words containing A, 2B, J and R

BEJABBERSbejabbers n. Bejesus.
BEJABBERS interj. an interjection attributed to Irish speakers, also BEJABERS, BEJEEBERS.
BEJABBERSESSorry, definition not available.
BEJABERSbejabers n. Alternative form of bejabbers.
BEJABERS n. an interjection attributed to Irish speakers, also BEJABBERS, BEJEEBERS.
BEJABERSESBEJABERS n. an interjection attributed to Irish speakers, also BEJABBERS, BEJEEBERS.
JABBERjabber v. (Intransitive) To talk rapidly, indistinctly, or unintelligibly; to utter gibberish or nonsense.
jabber v. (Transitive) To utter rapidly or indistinctly; to gabble.
jabber n. Rapid or incoherent talk, with indistinct utterance; gibberish.
JABBEREDjabbered v. Simple past tense and past participle of jabber.
JABBER v. to talk rapidly.
JABBERERjabberer n. One who jabbers.
JABBERER n. one who jabbers.
JABBERERSjabberers n. Plural of jabberer.
JABBERER n. one who jabbers.
JABBERINGjabbering v. Present participle of jabber.
jabbering n. Speech that jabbers; gibberish.
JABBERING adj. talking rapidly.
JABBERINGLYjabberingly adv. In a jabbering way.
JABBERING adv. talking rapidly.
JABBERINGSjabberings n. Plural of jabbering.
JABBERING n. the act of jabbering.
JABBERSjabbers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of jabber.
Jabbers prop.n. Synonym of Jesus (“when used in an expletive”).
JABBER v. to talk rapidly.
JABBERWOCKJabberwock prop.n. A fantastical dreaded monster with flaming eyes.
JABBERWOCK n. nonsense, gibberish, also JABBERWOCKY.
JABBERWOCKIESjabberwockies n. Plural of jabberwocky.
JABBERWOCKY n. nonsense, gibberish, also JABBERWOCK.
JABBERWOCKYjabberwocky n. Invented or meaningless language; nonsense.
jabberwocky adj. Meaningless, worthless.
jabberwocky adj. Absurd, nonsense, nonsensical.
JACKRABBITjackrabbit n. Any of several large North American hares of the genus Lepus.
jackrabbit v. (US) To make a sudden, rapid movement.
jack-rabbit n. Alternative spelling of jackrabbit.
JACKRABBITSjackrabbits n. Plural of jackrabbit.
jack-rabbits n. Plural of jack-rabbit (alternative form of jackrabbits).
JACKRABBIT n. a long-eared American hare.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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