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There are 18 words containing 2A, K, U and W

AUTORICKSHAWautorickshaw n. A motorized rickshaw of South Asia and East Asia, often available for hire in the manner of a taxi.
AUTORICKSHAW n. a light, three-wheeled vehicle powered by a motorcycle engine, used in India, etc.
AUTORICKSHAWSautorickshaws n. Plural of autorickshaw.
AUTORICKSHAW n. a light, three-wheeled vehicle powered by a motorcycle engine, used in India, etc.
CHUCKAWALLAchuckawalla n. Alternative form of chuckwalla.
CHUCKAWALLA n. (Spanish) an iguanid lizard of Mexico and the southwestern US, also CHUCKWALLA.
CHUCKAWALLASchuckawallas n. Plural of chuckawalla.
CHUCKAWALLA n. (Spanish) an iguanid lizard of Mexico and the southwestern US, also CHUCKWALLA.
CHUCKWALLAchuckwalla n. An iguana, of the genus Sauromalus, living in arid regions of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico.
CHUCKWALLA n. (Spanish) an iguanid lizard of Mexico and the southwestern US, also CHUCKAWALLA.
CHUCKWALLASchuckwallas n. Plural of chuckwalla.
CHUCKWALLA n. (Spanish) an iguanid lizard of Mexico and the southwestern US, also CHUCKAWALLA.
KAWAUKAWAU n. (Maori) the black shag.
KAWAUSKAWAU n. (Maori) the black shag.
POHUTUKAWApohutukawa n. A coastal evergreen tree, Metrosideros excelsa, native to New Zealand and producing a brilliant display…
POHUTUKAWA n. (Maori) a New Zealand evergreen which bears clusters of red flowers in December and January; thus called the Christmas tree.
POHUTUKAWASpohutukawas n. Plural of pohutukawa.
POHUTUKAWA n. (Maori) a New Zealand evergreen which bears clusters of red flowers in December and January; thus called the Christmas tree.
UNAWAKEunawake adj. Not awake.
UNAWAKE adj. not awake.
UNAWAKEDunawaked adj. (Archaic) unawakened.
UNAWAKED adj. not awakened.
UNAWAKENEDunawakened adj. Not awakened; sleeping; unconscious; unaware.
UNAWAKENED adj. not awakened.
UNAWAKENINGunawakening adj. Not awakening; dormant, asleep.
UNAWAKENING adj. not awakening.
WALKABOUTwalkabout n. (Australian aboriginal) A nomadic excursion into the bush, especially one taken by young teenage boys…
walkabout n. A walking trip.
walkabout n. (Britain) A public stroll by some celebrity to meet a group of people informally.
WALKABOUTSwalkabouts n. Plural of walkabout.
WALKABOUT n. (Australian) a period of wandering in the bush by an Australian Aborigine.
WATERQUAKEwaterquake n. An earthquake that happens underwater, usually in an ocean or lake.
WATERQUAKE n. a seismic disturbance affecting the sea.
WATERQUAKESwaterquakes n. Plural of waterquake.
WATERQUAKE n. a seismic disturbance affecting the sea.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 418 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 4 words
  • Scrabble in German: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 14 words

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