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There are 19 words containing 2A, H, J and N

BHAJANbhajan n. (Music) A type of Indian devotional song.
BHAJAN n. a Hindu religious song.
GANJAHganjah n. Alternative form of ganja.
GANJAH n. (Hindi) cannabis used for smoking, also GANJA.
HANJARhanjar n. Alternative form of handjar.
HANJAR n. (Persian) a Persian dagger, also HANDJAR, KHANJAR.
RHANJARHANJA n. (Hinglish) a male lover.
BHAJANSbhajans n. Plural of bhajan.
BHAJAN n. a Hindu religious song.
GANJAHSGANJAH n. (Hindi) cannabis used for smoking, also GANJA.
HANDJARhandjar n. A Turkish dagger.
HANDJAR n. (Persian) a Persian dagger, also HANJAR, KHANJAR.
HANJARShanjars n. Plural of hanjar.
HANJAR n. (Persian) a Persian dagger, also HANDJAR, KHANJAR.
HARIJANHarijan n. (Derogatory) Synonym of Dalit.
HARIJAN n. (Sanskrit) in India, a member of the untouchable caste.
KHANJARkhanjar n. A kind of dagger used in certain Arabian countries.
KHANJAR n. (Persian) a Persian dagger, also HANDJAR, HANJAR.
RHANJASRHANJA n. (Hinglish) a male lover.
HANDJARShandjars n. Plural of handjar.
HANDJAR n. (Persian) a Persian dagger, also HANJAR, KHANJAR.
HARIJANSHarijans n. Plural of Harijan.
HARIJAN n. (Sanskrit) in India, a member of the untouchable caste.
KHANJARSkhanjars n. Plural of khanjar.
KHANJAR n. (Persian) a Persian dagger, also HANDJAR, HANJAR.
ANTIHIJACKantihijack adj. Opposing or countering hijacking.
ANTIHIJACK adj. designed to prevent hijack.
THINGAMAJIGthingamajig n. (Informal) Something that one does not know the name of.
THINGAMAJIG n. a whatsit.
THINGAMAJIGSthingamajigs n. Plural of thingamajig.
THINGAMAJIG n. a whatsit.
ANTIHIJACKINGantihijacking adj. Opposing or countering hijacking.
JACKHAMMERINGjackhammering v. Present participle of jackhammer.
JACKHAMMER v. to hammer with a jackhammer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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