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There are 19 words containing 2A, F and 2G

ALLOGRAFTINGallografting n. The transplanting of an allograft.
ALLOGRAFT v. to make a surgical graft from a nonidentical donor.
AUTOGRAFTINGautografting v. Present participle of autograft.
AUTOGRAFT v. to make such a graft.
CAMOUFLAGINGcamouflaging v. Present participle of camouflage.
CAMOUFLAGE v. to conceal or disguise by camouflage.
CONFLAGRATINGconflagrating v. Present participle of conflagrate.
CONFLAGRATE v. to burn.
DEFLAGRATINGdeflagrating v. Present participle of deflagrate.
DEFLAGRATE v. to burn suddenly, generally with flame and crackling noise.
FATIGATINGfatigating v. Present participle of fatigate.
FATIGATE v. to weary, also FATIGUE.
FLABBERGASTINGflabbergasting adj. Overwhelming in a bewildering way; amazing, confounding, stunning, especially in a ludicrous manner.
flabbergasting v. Present participle of flabbergast.
FLABBERGAST v. to overwhelm with shock, surprise, or wonder.
FLAGELLATINGflagellating v. Present participle of flagellate.
FLAGELLATE v. to whip; to scourge.
FLAGITATINGflagitating v. Present participle of flagitate.
FLAGITATE v. to entreat or importune.
FRAGMENTATINGfragmentating v. Present participle of fragmentate.
FRAGMENTATE v. to reduce to fragments.
FRAGRANCINGfragrancing v. Present participle of fragrance.
FRAGRANCE v. to perfume with a fragrance.
FRAUGHTAGEfraughtage n. (Obsolete) freight; cargo.
FRAUGHTAGE n. (Shakespeare) loading, cargo, also FRAUTAGE.
FRAUGHTAGESFRAUGHTAGE n. (Shakespeare) loading, cargo, also FRAUTAGE.
GRAFTAGEgraftage n. The science of grafting, including the various methods of practice and details of operation.
GRAFTAGE n. the process of grafting.
GRAFTAGESGRAFTAGE n. the process of grafting.
GRANDFATHERINGgrandfathering v. Present participle of grandfather.
grandfathering n. Exemption from new legislation or regulations.
GRANDFATHER v. to exempt (an activity, person, etc.) from a new piece of legislation, restriction or the like.
RAGGAMUFFINraggamuffin n. Alternative spelling of ragamuffin.
RAGGAMUFFIN n. a type of rap music combining reggae and hip-hop, also RAGGA.
RAGGAMUFFINSraggamuffins n. Plural of raggamuffin.
RAGGAMUFFIN n. a type of rap music combining reggae and hip-hop, also RAGGA.
SAFEGUARDINGsafeguarding v. Present participle of safeguard.
safeguarding n. Synonym of protection.
safeguarding n. (UK, Ireland, formal) Policies and actions for the protection of children and vulnerable adults.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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