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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 6 nine-letter words containing A, R, T, V and Z

ADVERTIZEadvertize v. (Archaic, now nonstandard, proscribed) Alternative spelling of advertise.
ADVERTIZE v. to draw attention to (a product, service, or event) in a public medium to promote sales or attendance, also ADVERTISE.
PRIVATIZEprivatize v. (Economics) To release government control (of a business or industry) to private industry.
privatize v. (Computing, transitive) To make (A variable, etc.) private in scope.
PRIVATIZE v. to transfer from ownership by the state into private ownership; to denationalize, also PRIVATISE.
TZAREVNAStzarevnas n. Plural of tzarevna.
TZAREVNA n. (Russian) the proper title for the daughter of a czar, also CZAREVNA, TSAREVNA.
VITALIZERvitalizer n. That which vitalizes; a source of vitality.
VITALIZER n. something that vitalises, a tonic, also VITALISER.
VIZIERATEvizierate n. The office, dignity, or authority of a vizier.
vizierate n. A kingdom, country or region governed by a vizier.
VIZIERATE n. the office, dignity, or authority of a vizier.
VIZIRATESvizirates n. Plural of vizirate.
VIZIRATE n. (Arabic) the office of a vizir.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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