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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 7 nine-letter words containing A, P, 2T and X

EXCEPTANTexceptant adj. (Archaic) Making exception.
exceptant n. One who makes an exception.
EXCEPTANT n. something excepted, left out.
EXPATIATEexpatiate v. To write or speak at length; to be copious in argument or discussion.
expatiate v. (Rare) To range at large, or without restraint.
expatiate v. (Obsolete) To expand; to spread; to extend; to diffuse; to broaden.
EXPECTANTexpectant adj. Marked by expectation.
expectant adj. Pregnant.
expectant adj. (Medicine, dated) Awaiting the effects of nature, with little active treatment.
EXTIRPATEextirpate v. (Transitive, obsolete) To clear an area of roots and stumps.
extirpate v. (Transitive) To pull up by the roots; uproot.
extirpate v. (Transitive) To destroy completely; to annihilate, to cause to go extinct locally.
PHOTOTAXYphototaxy n. Phototaxis.
PHOTOTAXY n. the movement of an entire organism in response to light.
PLAINTEXTplaintext n. (Cryptography, computing) Alternative spelling of plain text.
plain␣text n. (Cryptography) Text or any data that is to be encrypted (as opposed to ciphertext).
plain␣text n. (Computing) Data which consists only of human-readable text, as opposed to machine-readable binary data…
TEXTSPEAKtextspeak n. (Informal) The abbreviated, simplified form of language used in text messages, which often elides vowels…
TEXTSPEAK n. the style of language commonly used in text messages, including abbreviations, truncations, use of numbers, etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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