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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, P, S, U and V

APIVOROUSapivorous adj. That feeds on bees.
APIVOROUS adj. eating bees.
APPULSIVEappulsive adj. Striking against; impinging.
APPULSIVE adj. relating to an appulse, the close approach of a planet or asteroid to a star without the occurrence of an eclipse.
OVIPAROUSoviparous adj. Egg-laying; depositing eggs that develop and hatch outside the body as a reproductive strategy.
OVIPAROUS adj. producing offspring through laying eggs which are incubated outside the body.
PARVENUESparvenues n. Plural of parvenue.
PARVENUE n. (French) a female parvenu.
PREVALUESPREVALUE v. to value beforehand.
PULSATIVEpulsative adj. Characterised by pulsing or beating; throbbing.
PULSATIVE adj. of musical instruments, played by percussion, also PULSATILE.
PULVINARSpulvinars n. Plural of pulvinar.
PULVINAR n. a knob on the brain by the optic nerve.
PYRUVATESpyruvates n. Plural of pyruvate.
PYRUVATE n. a salt or ester of pyruvic acid.
SUPERNOVAsupernova n. (Astronomy) The explosion of a star, which increases its absolute magnitude to typically a billion times…
supernova n. (Figurative) Something brilliant.
SUPERNOVA n. (Latin) a very brilliant nova resulting from an explosion which blows the star's material into space, leaving an expanding cloud of gas.
SUPERWAVEsuperwave n. (Physics) A particularly large or intense wave.
SUPERWAVE n. an exceptionally large wave.
UPHEAVALSupheavals n. Plural of upheaval.
UPHEAVAL n. the act of upheaving.
UPHEAVERSupheavers n. Plural of upheaver.
UPHEAVER n. one who upheaves.
VAPOURERSvapourers n. Plural of vapourer.
VAPOURER n. one that vapours, also VAPORER.
VAPOURISHvapourish adj. Characteristic of vapour.
vapourish adj. (Dated) hypochondriacal; affected by hysterics; splenetic; peevish.
VAPOURISH adj. resembling or suggestive of vapours, also VAPORISH.
VAPOUROUSvapourous adj. Alternative spelling of vaporous.
VAPOUROUS adj. like vapour, also VAPOROUS.
VAPULATESvapulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vapulate.
VAPULATE v. to flog; to be flogged.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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