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There are 13 nine-letter words containing A, O, P, T and Z

AZEOTROPEazeotrope n. (Physics) A mixture of two or more substances whose liquid and gaseous forms have the same composition…
azeotrope v. To create a mixture of this kind.
AZEOTROPE n. a chemical term for a certain type of liquid mixture.
AZEOTROPYazeotropy n. (Physics, chemistry) The formation of an azeotrope; the condition of being azeotropic.
AZEOTROPY n. the state of being an azeotrope.
OPERATIZEoperatize v. (Transitive) To convert into operatic form.
OPERATIZE v. to turn a play etc. into an opera, also OPERATISE.
PANZOOTICpanzootic adj. (Pathology, of a disease) affecting animals of many species.
PANZOOTIC adj. affecting all the animals in a given area.
PANZOOTIC n. a panzootic disease.
PATRONIZEpatronize v. (Transitive) To act as a patron of; to defend, protect, or support.
patronize v. (Transitive) To make oneself a customer of a business, especially a regular customer.
patronize v. (Transitive) To assume a tone of unjustified superiority toward; to talk down to, to treat condescendingly.
PIZZICATOpizzicato adv. (Music) To be played by plucking the strings instead of using the bow.
pizzicato n. (Music) A note that is played pizzicato.
PIZZICATO adv. (Italian) played by plucking the string.
PROTOZOALprotozoal adj. Protozoan.
PROTOZOAL adj. of or pertaining to the Protozoa.
PROTOZOANprotozoan n. (Cytology) Any of the diverse group of eukaryotes, of the phylum Protozoa, that are primarily unicellular…
protozoan adj. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a protozoan.
PROTOZOAN n. any member of the Protozoa, also PROTOZOON.
TRAPEZOIDtrapezoid n. (Geometry, US) A (convex) quadrilateral with two (non-adjacent) parallel sides.
trapezoid n. (Geometry, Britain, Australia, New Zealand) A convex quadrilateral with no sides parallel.
trapezoid n. (Anatomy) The trapezoid bone of the wrist.
ZAPATEADOzapateado n. A dance of Mexican Indian origin characterized by a lively rhythm punctuated by the striking of the dancer’s shoes.
ZAPATEADO n. (Spanish) a Latin-American dance with rhythmic tapping of the feet.
ZAPOTILLAzapotilla n. Alternative form of sapodilla.
ZAPOTILLA n. (Spanish) the edible fruit of a Mexican tree, also SAPODILLA, SAPOTA, SAPOTE.
ZELOTYPIAzelotypia n. (Formal) jealousy.
ZELOTYPIA n. (obsolete) jealousy; excessive zeal in carrying out a project.
ZOOPLASTYzooplasty n. The surgical grafting of tissue from an animal to a human; zoografting.
ZOOPLASTY n. the surgical transfer of tissue from an animal to man.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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