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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, 2N, U and V

ANOVULANTanovulant n. Any drug that prevents ovulation.
ANOVULANT adj. inhibiting ovulation.
ANOVULANT n. a drug that inhibits ovulation.
AVAUNTINGavaunting v. Present participle of avaunt.
AVAUNT v. (archaic) to advance.
AVENTURINaventurin n. Alternative form of aventurine.
AVENTURIN n. a glass containing golden or green flecks; quartz containing mica flakes, also AVANTURINE, AVENTURINE.
MAVOURNINmavournin n. Alternative form of mavourneen.
MAVOURNIN n. (Irish) my dear one, also MAVOURNEEN.
NONVISUALnonvisual adj. Not visual.
NONVISUAL adj. not visual.
SUBNIVEANsubnivean adj. Occurring beneath a layer of snow; subnival.
SUBNIVEAN adj. under snow, also SUBNIVEAL.
UNAVENGEDunavenged adj. Not avenged.
UNAVENGED adj. not avenged.
UNIVALENTunivalent adj. (Chemistry) Having an atomic valence of 1, or having only one valence.
univalent adj. (Medicine) Having a vaccine valence of 1.
univalent adj. (Genetics) Of, or relating to, a chromosome that is not paired with its homologous chromosome during synapsis.
UNNATIVEDUNNATIVE v. to no longer be a native or inhabitant of a place or country.
UNNATIVESUNNATIVE v. to no longer be a native or inhabitant of a place or country.
UNREAVINGunreaving v. Present participle of unreave.
UNREAVE v. to unwind; to disentangle.
UNVAILINGunvailing v. Present participle of unvail.
unvailing v. Present participle of unvaile.
UNVAILE v. (obsolete) to unveil, also UNVAIL.
UNVARYINGunvarying adj. Persistent, constant, changeless.
unvarying adj. Lacking variety; having a uniform character.
UNVARYING adj. not varying.
UNWEAVINGunweaving v. Present participle of unweave.
UNWEAVE v. to undo something woven.
VAUNTINGSvauntings n. Plural of vaunting.
VAUNTING n. the act of vaunting.
VULCANIANVulcanian adj. Of or pertaining to the god Vulcan.
Vulcanian adj. Of or pertaining to working in iron or other metals.
Vulcanian adj. (Geology, archaic) volcanic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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