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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing A, 2N, T and X

ANATOXINSanatoxins n. Plural of anatoxin.
ANATOXIN n. a potent alkaloid toxin derived from a species of cyanobacteria.
ANNEXMENTannexment n. The act of annexing.
annexment n. The thing annexed.
ANNEXMENT n. the act of annexing, or the thing annexed.
ANTIAUXINantiauxin n. (Biochemistry) Any substance that inhibits auxin by competing for the same receptors.
ANTIAUXIN n. a plant substance that opposes or represses the effects of an auxin, a growth hormone.
ANTITOXINantitoxin n. (Medicine) A medicine able to neutralize a toxin.
antitoxin n. (Medicine) An antibody capable of neutralizing specific toxins.
ANTITOXIN n. an antidote to a toxin.
EXAMINANTexaminant n. (Obsolete) One who examines; an examiner.
examinant n. (Obsolete) One who is to be examined.
EXAMINANT n. one who examines.
EXTENDANTextendant adj. (Heraldry) displayed.
EXTENDANT adj. displaced.
NONEXTANTnonextant adj. Not extant.
NONEXTANT adj. not extant.
XANTHEINSxantheins n. Plural of xanthein.
XANTHEIN n. a soluble yellow colouring.
XANTHENESxanthenes n. Plural of xanthene.
XANTHENE n. a white crystalline compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, from which dyestuffs are derived.
XANTHINESxanthines n. Plural of xanthine.
XANTHINE n. a white substance, structurally related to uric acid, found in muscle tissue, the liver and other organs, also XANTHIN.
XANTHONESxanthones n. Plural of xanthone.
XANTHONE n. a ketone analogue of xanthene which forms the basis of various natural pigments.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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