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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, 2N, R and V

AVENTRINGaventring v. Present participle of aventre.
AVENTRE v. (Spenser) to thrust, direct.
AVENTURINaventurin n. Alternative form of aventurine.
AVENTURIN n. a glass containing golden or green flecks; quartz containing mica flakes, also AVANTURINE, AVENTURINE.
CAVERNINGcaverning v. Present participle of cavern.
CAVERN v. to hollow out.
CRAVENINGcravening v. Present participle of craven.
CRAVEN v. to render spiritless.
ENGRAVINGengraving n. (Art) The practice of incising a design onto a hard, flat surface, by cutting grooves into it.
engraving n. (Printing) The art of producing an image from an engraved printing form, typically made of copper.
engraving n. (Countable) A print produced from an engraving.
INDINAVIRindinavir n. (Pharmacology) An antiretroviral drug C36H47N5O4 of the protease inhibitor class that is used in the…
INDINAVIR n. a drug used to treat AIDS.
INNERVATEinnervate v. (Anatomy, zoology) To supply (an organ or part of the body) with nerves.
innervate v. Synonym of innerve (“to supply with nervous energy”).
INNERVATE v. to supply with nerves or a nervous stimulus, also INNERVE.
INNOVATORinnovator n. Someone who innovates; a creator of new ideas.
innovator n. (Marketing) An early adopter.
INNOVATOR n. one who innovates.
INVARIANTinvariant adj. Not varying; constant.
invariant adj. (Mathematics) Unaffected by a specified operation (especially by a transformation).
invariant adj. (Computing, programming) Neither covariant nor contravariant.
MAVOURNINmavournin n. Alternative form of mavourneen.
MAVOURNIN n. (Irish) my dear one, also MAVOURNEEN.
NERVATIONnervation n. A pattern of nerves, e.g. as seen on a leaf.
NERVATION n. the arrangement of nerves and veins, esp. those of leaves, also NERVATURE, NEURATION.
NONRIVALSnonrivals n. Plural of nonrival.
NONRIVAL n. one who is not a rival.
NONVERBALnonverbal adj. Alternative spelling of non-verbal.
nonverbal n. Alternative spelling of non-verbal.
non-verbal adj. (Of communication) In a form other than written or spoken words, such as gestures, facial expressions…
RAVENINGSravenings n. Plural of ravening.
RAVENING n. the act of ravening.
REVENANTSrevenants n. Plural of revenant.
REVENANT n. (French) one that returns after death or a long absence.
UNREAVINGunreaving v. Present participle of unreave.
UNREAVE v. to unwind; to disentangle.
UNVARYINGunvarying adj. Persistent, constant, changeless.
unvarying adj. Lacking variety; having a uniform character.
UNVARYING adj. not varying.
VENEREANSVENEREAN n. a person addicted to sexual intercourse.
VENIREMANvenireman n. (Law) A potential juror summoned for duty.
VENIREMAN n. a person summoned by venire as a prospective juror.
VERNATIONvernation n. The appearance of new leaves.
vernation n. (Botany) The arrangement of multiple organs (such as leaves and flower parts) within a bud.
vernation n. (Botany) Arrangement of only leaves within the bud; prefoliation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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