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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, M, Q, R and U

AQUADROMEaquadrome n. (Recreation, dated) Synonym of water park.
aquadrome n. (Sports) An aquatics facility.
AQUADROME n. a centre with facilities for waterskiing.
AQUAFARMSaquafarms n. Plural of aquafarm.
AQUAFARM v. to cultivate food fish.
AQUARIUMSaquariums n. Plural of aquarium.
AQUARIUM n. (Latin) a water filled museum for all forms of aquatic life.
EQUIMOLARequimolar adj. (Chemistry) Containing the same number of moles (of two or more compounds).
EQUIMOLAR adj. having an equal number of moles, also EQUIMOLAL.
MAQUISARDmaquisard n. (Historical) A member of a resistance or guerrilla movement, originally and chiefly that of the French…
MAQUISARD n. a member of the maquis, a guerrilla resistance force.
MAROQUINSmaroquins n. Plural of maroquin.
MAROQUIN n. (Spanish) goat leather, morocco leather, also MAROCAIN.
MARQUETRYmarquetry n. (Uncountable, woodworking) A decorative technique in which veneers of wood, ivory, metal etc. are inlaid…
marquetry n. (Countable) An example of this work.
MARQUETRY n. furniture inlaid with multicoloured wood, ivory, or metal, also MARQUETERIE.
MARQUISESmarquises n. Plural of marquis.
marquises n. Plural of marquise.
MARQUIS n. a British or Irish hereditary nobleman of the second rank of the peerage, below a duke and above an earl, also MARQUESS.
MARSQUAKEmarsquake n. A quake on the planet Mars, perhaps caused by land tides or volcanic eruptions, or meteorite strikes.
Marsquake n. Alternative letter-case form of marsquake.
MARSQUAKE n. a violent tremor on Mars.
QUADRUMANquadruman n. Alternative form of quadrumane.
QUADRUMAN n. a former name for primates other than man, also QUADRUMANE.
QUAGMIREDquagmired adj. (Of a road etc) Resembling a quagmire.
quagmired adj. (Of a person or thing) Sunk in a quagmire.
quagmired v. Simple past tense and past participle of quagmire.
QUAGMIRESquagmires n. Plural of quagmire.
quagmires v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of quagmire.
QUAGMIRE v. to entangle as in boggy ground.
QUARRYMANquarryman n. A man involved in quarrying (mining for stone).
QUARRYMAN n. a quarry worker.
QUARRYMENquarrymen n. Plural of quarryman.
QUARRYMAN n. a quarry worker.
RAMEQUINSramequins n. Plural of ramequin.
RAMEQUIN n. a small casserole dish in which cheese souffle, eggs etc. are served, also RAMAKIN, RAMEKIN.
REMARQUEDremarqued adj. Having a remarque.
REMARQUED adj. bearing a remarque, a mark made in the margin of an engraving indicating a stage of development prior to completion.
REMARQUESremarques n. Plural of remarque.
REMARQUE n. (French) a mark made in the margin of an engraving indicating a stage of development prior to completion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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