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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing A, M, P, U and Y

AMPULLARYampullary adj. Of or pertaining to an ampulla, as…
AMPULLARY adj. resembling an ampulla, also AMPULLAR.
EMPYREUMAempyreuma n. (Obsolete, chemistry) The peculiar smell and taste arising from products of decomposition of animal…
EMPYREUMA n. the peculiar smell and taste arising from products of decomposition of animal or vegetable substances when burnt in close vessels.
HYPOGAEUMhypogaeum n. Alternative form of hypogeum.
HYPOGAEUM n. (Greek) an underground chamber, also HYPOGEUM.
IMPUTABLYimputably adv. In an imputable manner; by imputation.
IMPUTABLE adv. that can be imputed.
NYMPHAEUMnymphaeum n. An ancient Greek or Roman shrine consecrated to water nymphs, often with a fountain.
nymphæum n. Alternative spelling of nymphaeum.
NYMPHAEUM n. a temple for nymphs.
PARAMYLUMparamylum n. A substance resembling starch, found in the green frothy scum formed on the surface of stagnant water.
PARAMYLUM n. a substance resembling starch, found in the green frothy scum formed on the surface of stagnant water.
PRYTANEUMprytaneum n. (Historical) The town hall in an Ancient Greek city.
PRYTANEUM n. (Greek) an ancient Greek town hall.
PULMONARYpulmonary adj. (Anatomy) Pertaining to, having, or affecting the lungs.
PULMONARY adj. of or pertaining to the lungs, also PULMONIC.
SUMPTUARYsumptuary adj. Relating to expenditure or expense, especially on luxury goods.
sumptuary adj. (Law, historical).
SUMPTUARY adj. relating to or regulating expense; relating to the control or moderation of extravagance.
SUPREMACYsupremacy n. The quality of being supreme.
supremacy n. Power over all others.
supremacy n. (In combination) The ideology that a specified group is superior to others or should have supreme power over them.
TYMPANUMStympanums n. Plural of tympanum.
TYMPANUM n. (Latin) the cavity of the middle ear, also TIMPANUM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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