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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, M, O, T and V

ANTIVENOMantivenom n. (Medicine) A medicine that counteracts venom, an antidote to biological poisons from venomous animals…
ANTIVENOM n. an antitoxin countering esp. snake venom, also ANTIVENENE, ANTIVENIN.
COMBATIVEcombative adj. Given to fighting; disposed to engage in combat; pugnacious.
COMBATIVE adj. inclined to combat.
FORMATIVEformative adj. Of or pertaining to the formation and subsequent growth of something.
formative adj. Capable of forming something.
formative adj. (Biology) Capable of producing new tissue.
MEGAVOLTSmegavolts n. Plural of megavolt.
mega-volts n. Plural of mega-volt.
MEGAVOLT n. a unit of electromotive force.
MOLDAVITEmoldavite n. (Geology) A substance formed by meteorite impact, a component of the tektites found across central Europe.
MOLDAVITE n. a green tektite found in the Czech republic, thought to be the product of an ancient meteorite impact in Germany.
MOTIVATEDmotivated v. Simple past tense and past participle of motivate.
motivated adj. Enthusiastic, especially about striving toward a goal.
MOTIVATE v. to inspire to action, also MOTIVE.
MOTIVATESmotivates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of motivate.
MOTIVATE v. to inspire to action, also MOTIVE.
MOTIVATORmotivator n. Agent noun of motivate; one who motivates.
MOTIVATOR n. one who motivates.
NORMATIVEnormative adj. Of or pertaining to a norm or standard.
normative adj. Conforming to a norm or norms.
normative adj. Attempting to establish or prescribe a norm.
OVERMASTSovermasts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overmast.
OVERMAST v. to provide with too long masts.
OVERMATCHovermatch v. To match more than intended.
overmatch v. To be more than equal to or a match for, to surpass; hence, to conquer, vanquish.
overmatch v. To marry to a superior.
TRANSMOVEtransmove v. (Obsolete) To move or change from one state into another; to transform.
TRANSMOVE v. (Spenser) to transmute, also TRANSMEW.
VASECTOMYvasectomy n. (Surgery) The surgical incision of all or part of the vas deferens as a means of male sterilization.
VASECTOMY n. the excision of part or all of the vas deferens, esp. in order to produce sterility.
VASOMOTORvasomotor adj. Of or pertaining to the regulation of the diameter of blood vessels.
VASOMOTOR adj. causing constriction or expansion of blood vessels.
VOLTAISMSVOLTAISM n. electricity produced by chemical action.
VOMITORIAvomitoria n. Plural of vomitorium.
VOMITORIUM n. (Latin) an opening in a large building by which a crowd is let out, also VOMITORY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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