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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, 2M and 2T

ATMOMETERatmometer n. An instrument that measures the rate of evaporation of a liquid.
ATMOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the evaporating capacity of air.
ATMOMETRYatmometry n. The measurement of the rate of evaporation of a liquid.
ATMOMETRY n. measurement by atmometer, an instrument for measuring evaporating capacity of air.
COMMITTALcommittal n. The act of entrusting something to someone.
committal n. The act of committing someone to confinement; an order for someone’s imprisonment.
committal n. The act of perpetrating an offence.
COMMUTATEcommutate v. (Transitive, electronics) To reverse the direction of (a current).
commutate v. (Transitive, electronics) To convert from being or using an alternating current into being or using a direct current.
commutate v. (Intransitive, mathematics) To commute; to be invariant under a reversal of the positions of operands.
MATAMATASmatamatas n. Plural of matamata.
mata-matas n. Plural of mata-mata.
mata␣matas n. Plural of mata mata.
MATTAMOREmattamore n. An underground storage place for grain.
MATTAMORE n. a subterranean chamber, also MASSYMORE.
MIGMATITEmigmatite n. (Geology) Any rock of mixed appearance, being an intimate mixture of granite and older rock, specifically…
MIGMATITE n. a type of rock containing igneous and metamorphic elements.
MULTIATOMmultiatom adj. Consisting of, or relating to, multiple atoms.
MULTIATOM adj. containing many atoms.
SEMIMATTESEMIMATTE adj. having a slight lustre, also SEMIMAT, SEMIMATT.
STEMMATICstemmatic adj. Relating to stemmatics.
stemmatic adj. (Zoology) Relating to a stemma.
STEMMATIC adj. relating to a stemma, a diagram representing a reconstruction of the interrelationships between surviving witnesses in the (esp. manuscript) tradition of a text.
TEAMMATESteammates n. Plural of teammate.
team-mates n. Plural of team-mate.
TEAMMATE n. a member of the same team.
THYMOMATAthymomata n. Plural of thymoma.
THYMOMA n. a tumour arising from thymus tissue.
TIMESTAMPtimestamp n. (Computing) A variable containing the date and time at which an event occurred, often included in a…
timestamp v. (Transitive, computing) To record the date and time of (an event, etc).
time-stamp n. Alternative spelling of timestamp.
ULTIMATUMultimatum n. A final statement of terms or conditions made by one party to another, especially one that expresses…
ULTIMATUM n. (Latin) a last offer, or demand.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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