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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, 2M, S and Y

ARMYWORMSarmyworms n. Plural of armyworm.
army␣worms n. Plural of army worm.
ARMYWORM n. the larva of a small fly or moth that moves in large armies destroying crops.
ASYMMETRYasymmetry n. Absence of symmetry or proportion between the parts of a thing, or a distinction that produces such…
asymmetry n. The lack of a common measure between two objects or quantities; incommensurability.
ASYMMETRY n. lack of symmetry.
CYMBALOMScymbaloms n. Plural of cymbalom.
CYMBALOM n. a kind of Hungarian dulcimer, also CIMBALOM.
DYNAMISMSdynamisms n. Plural of dynamism.
DYNAMISM n. a theory of the universe in terms of energy.
EMPHYSEMAemphysema n. (Pathology) An abnormal accumulation of air or other gas in tissues, most commonly the lungs.
emphysema n. (Medicine) Pulmonary emphysema, a chronic lung disease, one type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
EMPHYSEMA n. a swelling produced by gas or air diffused in the cellular tissue.
GYMNASIUMgymnasium n. (Formal) A large room or building for indoor sports.
gymnasium n. A type of secondary school in some European countries which typically prepares students for university.
gymnasium n. (Historical) A public place or building where Ancient Greek youths took exercise, with running and wrestling…
KYMOGRAMSkymograms n. Plural of kymogram.
KYMOGRAM n. a record made by a kymograph, an instrument for recording fluid pressure.
LYMPHOMASlymphomas n. Plural of lymphoma.
LYMPHOMA n. a tumor having a structure resembling that of a lymphatic gland.
MASSYMOREmassymore n. (Scotland, archaic) The dungeon of a castle.
MASSYMORE n. (Scott) a subterranean prison, also MATTAMORE.
MYCETOMASmycetomas n. Plural of mycetoma.
MYCETOMA n. a chronic fungus infection leading to nodules that discharge oily pus.
MYOMATOUSmyomatous adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to a myoma.
MYOMATOUS adj. of or like a myoma, a tumor consisting of muscular tissue.
MYXAMEBASmyxamebas n. Plural of myxameba.
MYXAMEBA n. a cell produced by a spore, also MYXAMOEBA.
MYXEDEMASmyxedemas n. Plural of myxedema.
MYXEDEMA n. (US) a skin disease, marked by swelling and dryness, due to insufficient thyroid secretion, also MYXOEDEMA.
RAMMISHLYRAMMISH adv. resembling a male sheep, also RAMMY.
SHAMMYINGshammying v. Present participle of shammy.
SHAMMY v. to prepare leather like chamois, also CHAMOIS.
SUMMARILYsummarily adv. (Manner) In a summary manner.
summarily adv. (Duration) Over a short period of time, briefly.
SUMMARY adv. condensed, brief.
SYMMETRALsymmetral adj. (Obsolete) commensurable; symmetrical.
SYMMETRAL adj. of symmetry.
TYMPANUMStympanums n. Plural of tympanum.
TYMPANUM n. (Latin) the cavity of the middle ear, also TIMPANUM.
YAMMERERSyammerers n. Plural of yammerer.
YAMMERER n. one who yammers.
ZYMOGRAMSzymograms n. Plural of zymogram.
ZYMOGRAM n. a record of separated proteins.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 83 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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