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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing A, 3M and O

AMMONIUMSammoniums n. Plural of ammonium.
AMMONIUM n. the ion NH4+, which occurs in the salts formed by ammonia and in ammonia solutions.
COMMENDAMcommendam n. (Religion, obsolete) A vacant benefice commended to a cleric until an incumbent was provided.
COMMENDAM n. (Latin) a vacant living or benefice commended to a cleric (usually a bishop) who enjoyed the revenue until a pastor was provided.
MAMMALOGYmammalogy n. The study of mammals.
MAMMALOGY n. the study of mammals.
MAMMIFORMmammiform adj. Shaped like a breast.
MAMMIFORM adj. shaped like a breast.
MAMMOCKEDmammocked v. Simple past tense and past participle of mammock.
MAMMOCK v. (Shakespeare) to tear something to shreds, also MUMMOCK.
MAMMOGRAMmammogram n. An X-ray picture of the breasts (mammaries), used to screen for breast cancer.
MAMMOGRAM n. an X-ray of the breast.
MAMMONISHmammonish adj. Actuated or prompted by a devotion to money getting or the service of Mammon.
MAMMONISH adj. actuated or prompted by a devotion to money getting or the service of Mammon.
MAMMONISMmammonism n. The pursuit of great wealth.
MAMMONISM n. the greedy pursuit of riches.
MAMMONISTMammonist n. A Mammonite.
MAMMONIST n. one devoted to the acquisition of wealth or the service of Mammon, also MAMMONITE.
MAMMONITEMammonite n. One devoted to the service of Mammon, or the acquisition of wealth.
MAMMONITE n. one devoted to the acquisition of wealth or the service of Mammon, also MAMMONIST.
SHAMMOSIMshammosim n. Plural of shammes.
SHAMMOS n. (Hebrew) the sexton in a synagogue; the candle used to light the other 8 candles of a Chanukah menorah, also SHAMMAS, SHAMMASH, SHAMMES, SHAMOS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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